A game about using letters to making words - whether they're real words or not!
This game was made using the bevy new 2d template - check out their github to start your own bevy project for itch.io! Honestly, it made publishing to itch much easier; there's some initial setup and "getting to know", but I'd recommend it for anyone.
- remove "prefix/suffix" data
- user can "break" a word apart into two words, bisected near where the cursor is (right-click)
- add word sounds
- user can hear a word when selecting (left-click)
- user can hear a new word being made
- add characters from other languages (go crazy) (tongue clicks)
- 2D sprite textures
- audio sources
- games has
to pull from - final updates/edits
- use the "blank" template for drop zones (not gizmos)
- add pitch variance
- UI cleanup/styling
- user should be able to "remove" letters from the "play area"
- add incrementing instructions for new users to learn
- remove the "cursor"
- add a censor for banning words