composer require wedesignit/parcel-pro-php-api-client
Version | PHP Version |
2.1.x | >= 8.1 |
2.0.x | >= 8.0 |
$client = new \WeDesignIt\ParcelPro\Client($userId, $apiKey);
$parcelPro = new \WeDesignIt\ParcelPro\ParcelPro($client);
After this, the $parcelPro
class can return Endpoints
which can be called.
The endpoint methods can either be called with plain arrays or the fluent
classes can be used.
This applies to every following example and should be prepended to every example.
$client = new \WeDesignIt\ParcelPro\Client(
'<your login ID>'
'<your API key>'
$parcelPro = new \WeDesignIt\ParcelPro\ParcelPro($client);
Response example (from the docs):
"Id" => 8,
"Type" => "DFY",
"Code" => "00",
"Label" => "DFY",
"Carrier_Id" => 2,
"Carrier" => "DHL",
"CarrierNaam" => "DHL",
"CarrierLabel" => "",
"CarrierKlantcode" => "1234567",
"Buitenland" => 1,
"Benelux" => 1,
"EU" => null,
"Worldwide" => null,
"Land" => null,
"Tolplichtig" => null,
"InleverenOpServicePoint" => 1,
"ServicePoint" => 1,
"HandtekeningVoorOntvangst" => 1,
"NietBijBuren" => 1,
"AvondLevering" => null,
"ZaterdagLevering" => null1,
"1100Levering" => null,
"VerhoogdAansprakelijk" => 1,
"Rembours" => null,
"MiniPallet" => null,
"Pallet" => null,
"Collo" => null
"Id" => 9,
"Type" => "PostNL",
"Code" => "3085",
"Label" => "Standaard Pakket",
"Carrier_Id" => 3,
"Carrier" => "PostNL",
"CarrierNaam" => "PostNL",
"CarrierLabel" => "",
"CarrierKlantcode" => "7654321",
"Buitenland" => 0,
"Benelux" => 0,
"EU" => null,
"Worldwide" => null,
"Land" => null,
"Tolplichtig" => null,
"InleverenOpServicePoint" => null,
"ServicePoint" => 1,
"HandtekeningVoorOntvangst" => 1,
"NietBijBuren" => 1,
"AvondLevering" => null,
"ZaterdagLevering" => null1,
"1100Levering" => null,
"VerhoogdAansprakelijk" => 1,
"Rembours" => null,
"MiniPallet" => null,
"Pallet" => null,
"Collo" => null
Which will then return a boolean value.
$shipment = [
'Carrier' => 'Carrier name',
'Type' => 'Shipment type',
'Referentie' => 'E.g. your order number',
'Zaterdaglevering' => '1',
'NaamAfzender' => 'Michael Scott',
'StraatAfzender' => 'Street',
'NummerAfzender' => '11',
'ToevoegingAfzender' => 'A',
'PostcodeAfzender' => '1000 AB',
'PlaatsAfzender' => 'Scranton',
'LandAfzender' => 'NL',
'Naam' => 'Dwight Schrute',
'Straat' => 'Street'
'Nummer' => '11',
'Toevoeging' => 'A',
'Postcode' => '1000 AB',
'Plaats' => 'Scranton',
'Land' => 'NL',
'Email' => '[email protected]',
'AantalPakketten' => 1,
'Gewicht' => 1,
'Opmerking' => 'Thanks to the world\'s #1 boss',
If you like a more object-oriented approach you can also use the Shipment Resource class (and its subclasses).
If needed for printing. Note you already get a label URL back from the shipment create call which you can also present to your users to directly access the label.
// for PDF version
$label = $parcelPro->shippingLabel()->get($shipmentId);
// for HTML version
$pdf = false;
$label = $parcelPro->shippingLabel()->get($shipmentId, $pdf);