root -q dataRemake.cpp
One PC that installed ROOT can compile use:
vim dataReMake.cpp # change IS_MACRO to false
g++ -o dataRemake dataRemake.cpp $(root-config --libs --cflags) -O3
# just run it
One can add any no "U" or "D" symbol at the beginning of the corresponding line, then the two channels will be skipped.
For example:
user@PC:~/MyCodes/dataremake$ root -q dataRemake.cpp
Processing dataRemake.cpp...
Program Started!
2 #D,1,2,297,330 is skipped!
3 #D,1,3,295,320 is skipped!
Reading Mapping2Detector.csv finished!
Sorting ...
[==================================================] 100 % ☀ 🎓
Writing remain data to 0111test_tunning01_single OUTPUT.root ...
[==================================================] 100 % ☀ 🎓
RealTime: 0.98 s, CpuTime: 0.97 s
(int) 0