In this task, a static website is to be deployed on a cloud infrastructure that can be reached all over the world without much latency.
Furthermore, the static website is to be managed in a source code repository, where the following simple developer workflow is provided:
- Create any static homepage. A hello World homepage fits well enough for this task.
- Create an account for an cloud provider you prefer (we recommend using AWS or Azure for this example) and create the infrastructure you need for the deployment
- Implement the developer workflow and deploy the first version of you static homepage on your cloud infrastructure
- Optionally extend your deployment and development workflow to support following development workflow:
- Create infratructure with an IaC Tool like terraform. Save the terraform code in a separate repository. (Optional) Use remote state management in case you use terraform.
- For example, gitlab with the associated gitlab-ci is suitable for implementing the development workflows.
- A free account can be created at AWS to create cloud infrastructure.
- Mögliche Infrastruktur Komponenten die sich für diesen Use Case anbietet, sind Buckets und CDN.