To use HTTP/s, we will need locally trusted development certificates, so we will install mkcert. Please follow the link to install mkcert for your operating system.
- create a new local CA if you haven't already.
mkcert -install
- create certificates in
mkcert -cert-file "" -key-file "" "" "*"
- apply
folder with
kubectl kustomize apps/traefik --enable-helm | kubectl apply -f -
Install DependencyTrack with
kubectl kustomize apps/dependencytrack --enable-helm | kubectl apply -f -
$ make
$ .output/main
curl -X "PUT" "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-API-Key: $(op run --env-file op.env -- printenv DTRACK_API_KEY)" \
-d "{
\"projectName\": \"sbom-go\",
\"projectVersion\": \"v0.0.1\",
\"bom\":\"$(cat sboms/sbom-go-cyclonedx.grype.json | base64)\"
vexctl create --product=<package> --vuln=<vuln-id> --status=<status> --justification=<reason-of-status> --author=<author> > vex.json
vexctl create --product="pkg:golang/[email protected]" --vuln="CVE-2022-32149" --status="not_affected" --justification="component_not_present" --author Julian > vex-new.json