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Frequently Asked Questions

K20017 edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 18 revisions


How do I enable simbrief imports?

  1. When creating a Simbrief flight, you can get your PILOT ID in the Optional Entries section. Your simbrief username is not the same as your PILOT ID.

  1. Once you have your ID, you will need to enter it into the FMC. Press IDX -> Page 2 -> MOD SET -> Enter PILOT ID into scratchpad and drop on L2 Line select key (LSK).

  2. Now you must recall your flightplan. Go to IDX -> Page 2 -> ROUTE MENU -> FPLN RECALL. Once the flight plan has been imported, you'll be sent to the FPLN page to execute the changes.

Why are my engines lights on but won't start?

This is an issue in the sim where jet aircraft have the propeller aircraft mixture setting assigned to it. Most likely scenario is your hardware was auto-assigned mixture to an axis or button. Unbind the mixture and you should be good to go.

My throttles don't move and FADEC doesn't appear to be working in the MFD engine gauges

If you are using a 3rd party livery or, as of MSFS patch the new liveries for the CJ4, the panel.cfg file is overwriting our FADEC injection code. You can either remove that panel.cfg file from your custom livery or use the first default CJ4 livery.

I'm climbing at full power but I can't speed up once I level off in cruise?

The likely scenario is that you were climbing at too low an airspeed. Once you reach high altitudes, the low airspeed brings you onto the backside of the power curve and the only way to gain airspeed would be to descend. To prevent this, the recommended climb profile is 240kts/Mach .64. The aircraft will currently automatically switch to Mach climb hold when 240kts = Mach .64 (This typically occurs around 29-30,000ft)

How do I enter calm winds into the FMS?

Simply leave the winds input blank.

Why can't I center the PLAN page onto the aircraft anymore?

This is an unintended feature that we plan to remove for accuracy. The PLAN view only centers on waypoints and can be adjusted through the FMC MFD ADV button. If you would like to have the aircraft centered, the mode you want is PPOS (Present Position).


What is a Garmin?

Well the answer to this is quite interesting...It is a portmanteau of the founders of Garmin, Gary Burrell and Min Kao