This is the final project for my Intro to Computer Science class. It's a multiclient chat system written in python. It features GUI and database.
GUI that is
- minimalistic
- user-friendly with graphical widgets
- resizable
New user can register your account with a username and a password.
Users can chat with others by join an existing group or create their own group.
User can join multiple groups and chat in different groups.
Save list of groups in the server database and retrieve it when user login next time.
Search for chat history in the groups a user joined.
Support chat text of multiple lines.
Below is a screenshot from the client distribution.
- Database implemented using SQLite that
- is light, portable and server-less
- can manage users actions like login, register, add group, search for chat history
- Self-designed protocol for message transmission between server and client.
- Detailed status update information on the command line interface
Below is the diagram of the server database.
The executable has been tested under Windows 10, Windows 7 should work as well. To run the executable, first unpack the distribution/Simple_Chatroom.rar.
The source code is written using python 3.8.1 and tested on Win 10 and Mac.
All modules used in the source code are built-in python modules.
To run the server, use
To run the client GUI, use
To package the source code by yourself in Windows 10, you should first install pyinstaller. Then, download the repository, switch working directory to run the following command in cmd.
pyinstaller --name "Simple Chatroom" -w --add-data "./res;./res" --icon "./res/chatroom.ico"