The questions for the above codes are : Question 1 : Consider the given list as [2,7,4,1,3,6].Write a program to count pairs of elements with sum equal to 10.
Question 2 : .Write a program that takes a list of real numbersas input and returns the range(difference between minimum and maximum) of the list.Check for list being lessthan 3 elementsin whichcase return anerror message(Ex: “Range determination not possible”).Given a list[5,3,8,1,0,4],therange is 8(8-0).
Question 3 : Write a program that accepts a square matrix A and a positive integer m as arguments and returns A^m.
Question 4 : Write a program to count the highest occurringcharacter & its occurrence count in an inputstring. Consideronly alphabets. Ex: for “hippopotamus”as inputstring, the maximally occurring character is ‘p’& occurrence count is 3.