It is a task tracking page that allows users to manage, review and add comments to their assigned tasks/projects using React, JavaScript, Node.js, MySQL, CSS and HTML.
- The file path of the backend file is written to terminal.
- 'nmp start' is typed so the server starts listening to port 8081.
- The file path of the frontend file is written to terminal.
- 'nmp start' is typed so that port 3000 starts running.
Tasks are listed in order of increasing ID and increasing time to deadline. The task can be removed from the list with the delete button. The task is not completely deleted from the database, it just becomes inactive.
User enters the information when s/he wants to create a new task. It is mandatory to select Deadline and Responsible, otherwise a warning message will be sent.
The user can view task details by clicking on the task's row. Additionally, can add new comments and view existing comments.
When there is a deadline, status or other things s/he wants to change, s/he can update the information by clicking the edit button.
In this project, Build a Date Picker in 15mins Using JavaScript & React from Scratch on Medium A Date Picker implementation from the article was used. This implementation is integrated as the calendar component of the project.
Date Picker code has been used as a component that facilitates user date selection without using any library. It was preferred to speed up the project development process.