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A fault localization dataset that supports metamorphic testing


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MetaFL dataset

MetaFL dataset is a collection of open-source C/C++ subject programs with seeded faults, test suites, and metamorphic relations (MRs).

It was built originally for evaluating MetaFL. It is open sourced here with the goal of advancing research on applying metamorphic testing to fault localization.


The subject programs contained in this dataset are summarized below.

Program Description Origin eLOC
grep Pattern matching tool grep 2.4.2 3673
sed Stream editor sed 1.18 2196
SeqMap Sequences mapping tool SeqMap 1.0.13 1261
ShortestPath Find shortest paths k-shortest-paths-cpp-version 230
PrimeCount Count primes in range ktprime 1065
clac Stack‐based calculator clac 300
quich Calculator quich 632

They are selected for the following reasons:

  • The programs are open sourced and publicly available.
  • They are cited by related studies in which MRs are defined, or having straightforward data processing functionality from which MRs can be clearly defined.
  • Their sizes are at least hundreds of the number of executable lines of codes (eLOC).

For each subject program, we have enumerated three MRs, randomly generated thousands of test cases, and generated numerous mutants with single line of fault.

The exact procedures are detailed in the paper. The results are summarized below.

Program MRs Test cases Mutants
grep 3 1000 75
sed 3 1000 58
SeqMap 3 100 100
ShortestPath 3 1000 21
PrimeCount 3 1000 13
clac 3 1000 54
quich 3 1000 97

In the folder of each subject program:

  • inputs folder contains available test suites and any supplement files required during testing.
  • mutations/20210224 folder contains the patches of valid mutants and a summary file showing fault locations.
  • source folder stores the original source codes of the subject program
  • tools folder contains the implementations for MRs and a tool for formatting program arguments:
    • genMR that generates metamorphic testing groups with a given source test case.
    • checkMR that validates metamorphic relations on a given group.
    • args that transforms a line of test case from test suite into command-line arguments for the program.

(Note that quickDemo and mid in this repository are given as example for demo purposes)


A typical metamorphic testing routine is as follows:

  1. Prepare a version of the subject program
    1. Make a clone of the source folder
    2. Apply any patch file from mutations/20210224 on the clone
    3. Compile the program
  2. Prepare a metamorphic testing group
    1. Select one test case as the source test case and one MR
    2. Test the program with the source test case and collects its output
    3. Generate follow-up test cases by genMR with the source test case and the MR
    4. Test the program with follow-up test cases and collects their outputs
  3. Validate the metamorphic relation by checkMR with the metamorphic testing group and the MR

Additional resources


Fu, L., Lei, Y., Yan, M., Xu, L., Xu, Z., & Zhang, X. (2023). MetaFL: Metamorphic fault localisation using weakly supervised deep learning. IET Software, 17(2), 137-153. DOI:10.1049/sfw2.12102.


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