- The current version is V 1.0 and we will continue to update it.
- We plan to add more and more applications, so please stay tuned!
- Main Paper: Will be re-uploaded after finalizing the camera-ready revisions.
- Project Page: https://yangchanghee.github.io/Person-in-Place_page/
Human-object interaction (HOI) image editing using generated skeleton: We synthesize human interacting with objects for
an initial image using the automated object-interactive diffuser.
(a) an initial image to edit.
(b) the sequential process of synthesizing human image with object-interactive skeletons using textual conditions.
(c) a final result image with the skeleton map.
Our method generates the
high quality object interactive skeleton map, and it can easily plug in to the skeleton guided generative model for HOI image editing
Overview of proposed framework: Our proposed framework uses a cropped image from a person bounding box as an input and the object bounding box.
(Left) These are used to extract a image and an object features.
(Middle) The extracted features are used as a image and object conditioning respectively in our object interactive diffuser.
Using these conditionings, the object interactive diffuser comes to see the object-joint and joint-joint relationships then generate a denoised skeleton based on diffusion process.
(Right) The synthesized skeleton together with a masked image using a person bounding box is used to edit image with off the shelf inpainting model.
The denoise process first estimate the correlation between the object and the joints, and then it considers the relationship between the joint themselves using a GNN.
After that, the object conditioning is used to predict which joints are most likely to interact with the object.
In this figure, the pixels located inside the snowboard have higher attention score on joints such as hands or foot than others.
This figure visualizes which joint has the greatest association with features correspond to selected pixels in the image colored red, yellow and orange.
The size of the circle indicates the degree of association.
It expresses gratitude to a contributor who provided two codes, one for ControlNet-Inpainting and one for D3DP.
more qualititave results is here
- Make object interaction skeleton
We recommend you to use an Anaconda virtual environment. Install PyTorch >=1.6.0 and Python >= 3.7.3.
All this toolkit is on requirements.sh
Then, run sh requirements.sh
- Make inpainting image
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate HOI_editing_cont
Check here!
- Download the Our framework pth file & demo Code here and unzip it under
The next step is to check here and run the demo!
Check here!
The experiments comparing SD-inpainting and SDXL-inpainting in both the tutorial and the main paper for our model are also included!
Enjoy to your heart's content!
Download here and you can check our dataset (based-on V-COCO)
and testing code (On object interaction skeleton enviroments)
python test.py --gpu $n --cfg ../assets/yaml/v-coco_diffusion_image_feature.yml --exp_dir ../output/{exp_dir} --test_epoch $n_epoch
if you check n-top accuracy change v-coco_diffusion_image_feature.yml
obj_bbox_factor => 1
bbox_factor_param => 8
and same code (On object interaction skeleton enviroments)
python test.py --gpu $n --cfg ../assets/yaml/v-coco_diffusion_image_feature.yml --exp_dir ../output/{exp_dir} --test_epoch $n_epoch