This small project is for creating 2d images out of the embeddings of the images.
It was inspired by Andrej Karpathy's blog post on the visualization of CNNs using t-sne.
(this guy is pretty sharp 😉 - you should definitely follow him! ).
At first the package only supported dimension reduction using t-sne but now it also support the great umap.
Check it out
I saw that the project is useful to some people so I uploaded it to PyPI for easier integration.
Checkout the end2end example added by @nivha
mnist TSNE grid example
mnist TSNE scatter example
mnist UMAP scatter example
cifar10 grid image example
cifar10 scatter image example
- via pip
pip install Embeddings2Image
- Download / Clone
- install -
python install
- Or just use it as is
pip install -r requirements.txt
- see documentation below
- install -
from e2i import EmbeddingsProjector
image = EmbeddingsProjector()
image.path2data = 'data.hdf5'
- urls - datasets which contain the path/url of each image
- vectors - dataset which contains the corresponding vector for each image.
make sure that they are both ordered alike - checkout this hdf5 example
- urls - create a np.asarray out of a url list and load to image.image_list
- vectors - create a np.ndarray of the vectors and load to image.data_vectors
root@yonti:~/github/Embeddings2|Image$ python -h
usage: [-h] -d PATH2DATA [-n OUTPUT_NAME] [-t OUTPUT_TYPE]
[-s OUTPUT_SIZE] [-i EACH_IMG_SIZE] [-c BG_COLOR] [--no-shuffle]
[--no-sklearn] [--no-svd] [-b BATCH_SIZE]
Creating 2d images out of the embeddings ot the images
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d PATH2DATA, --path2data PATH2DATA
Path to the hdf5 file
-n OUTPUT_NAME, --output_name OUTPUT_NAME
output image name. Default is tsne_scatter/grid.jpg
-t OUTPUT_TYPE, --output_type OUTPUT_TYPE
the type of the output images (scatter/grid)
-s OUTPUT_SIZE, --output_size OUTPUT_SIZE
output image size (default=2500)
each image size (default=50)
-c BG_COLOR, --background BG_COLOR
choose output background color (black/white)
--no-shuffle use this flag if you don't want to shuffle
--method chose which method to use for projection.
umap(default) / sklearn - for sklearn's tsne / matten
- for his implementation of tsne
--no-svd it is better to reduce the dimension of long dense
vectors to a size of 50 or smallerbefore computing the
tsne.use this flag if you don't want to do so
-b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
for speed/memory size errors consider using just a
portion of your data (default=all)
root@yonti:~/github/visualize-tsne$ python -d /home/data/data.hdf5 -i 50 -s 4000 -n test
# the folowing have both getter and setter
image.path2doc # getter
image.path2doc = '/home/data/data.hdf5' # setter -> expects string and correct path to an hdf5 file
image.output_img_name # getter
image.output_img_name = 'be_creative' # expects string. default is 'tsne'
# don't add the file type - jpg is set automatically
# also the image type(scatter/grid) is added automatically
image.output_img_type # getter
image.output_img_type = 'grid' # expects string. default is 'scatter'. set grid to this way.
image.output_img_size # getter
image.output_img_size = 2500 # expects int. default is 2500.
# all images are squared so it means 2500x2500 img.
# also the image type(scatter/grid) is added automatically
image.each_img_size # getter
image.each_img_size = 50 # expects int. default is 50.
# the output looks better when constructed with squared images
# but can also handle rects
image.image_list # getter
image.image_list = img_list # expects numpy array of strings.
# this is filled up automatically when load_data is called.
# set this explicitly only if you dont load your data from
# an hdf5 file
image.data_vectors # getter
image.data_vectors = data # expects numpy ndarray of dense vectors.
# this is filled up automatically when load_data is called.
# set this explicitly only if you dont load your data from
# an hdf5 file
image.batch_size # getter
image.batch_size = 5000 # expects int. default is 0 which means that all images are taken
# use this when you have memory issues.
# it will shuffle your data and take only a subset in order to
# compute the tsne.
image.method # getter
image.method = 'maaten' # expects string. default is 'umap'.
# it is both effiecient in time and ,to my naked eye, seperates the clusters better.
# the other options are 'sklearn' and 'maaten'
# this sets the tsne method to sklearn.tsne vs python version
# of Maaten's tsne.
# i guess they both do the same but didn't fully check it
# so i left it as an option
image.background_color # getter
image.background_color = 'white' # expects string. default is 'black'. the other option is 'white'
image.tsne_vectors # getter
image.tsne_vectors = data # expects numpy ndarray of dense 2d vectors.
# this is filled up automatically when
# image.calaculate_tsne is called.
# set this explicitly only if you have already the tsne vectors
# the followings are methods
image.load_data() # opens the file which path2file point to
# fills image.data_vectors and image.image_list
image.calculate_tsne() # straight forward
image.create_image() # straight forward