Assume that we want to get the annotation of a certain image whose imgname = 'indoor_02018.jpg'
, we can use cv2
to read instance annotation:
ins = cv2.imread(imagename.replace('.jpg','.png'),cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
the corresponding semantic segmentation annotation can be read likewise.
To get the relation annotation whose annotation file name is 'relation.json', run:
rel = Relation()
To get the relation annotation of a certain image, for example, 'indoor_00002.jpg', run:
relation = rel.loadRelation('indoor_02018.jpg')
To visualize the semantic segmentation map, we can run:
visualize_segmentation(segmentationMap, img)
To visualize the instance map of a certain category, we can run:
visualize_instance(instanceMap, segmentationMap, oriImg)
To visualize relation, run:
visualize_relation(relation, instanceMap, img)
is the original image.