A light set of front end tools
- stay light
- only add what I need, when I need it
- keep it extensible
You can import all the variables and such in your less files using this statement
@import "node_modules/coughdrop/stylesheets/coughdrop";
once coughdrop is loaded, you can use any variable I have defined
otherwise you can just use any of the classes that are defined in the stylesheets
since this uses less, at any point you can redefine any of the variables you don't like or want to tweak
Buttons are probably the single most important style I use in any app. So I have standardized the classes and colors that I commonly use to make things simple.
All classes follow the same pattern and their respective color variable definitions can be found in coughdrop-variables.less
<button class="button button-positive">This is a primary button</button>
<button class="button button-positive-ghost">This is a secondary button</button>
<button class="button button-positive-ghost-transparent">This is a secondary button with a transparent background</button>
- updated energized buttons to default to dark text