A script for extracting daily and monthly values for Environment Canada stations and outputting a handful of calculated metrics
A work in progress: run at your own risk
Downloading of weather station data using the Environment Canada FTP (ftp://ftp.tor.ec.gc.ca/Pub/Get_More_Data_Plus_de_donnees/Readme.txt) and wget.
Outputting of continuous station data according to date/time for several environmental indicators for Hourly and Daily data.
Graphical output of variables using numpy and matplotlib.
- collections, ftplib, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, wget
- Automatic downloading of nearest station data to point of interest or boundary box (will require geoprocessing tools)
- Outputting of new data frames as SQL-loadable databases (Further research needed)
Outputting of daily data subplot figures based on number of years collectedSelectable years for daily data sets