Releases: Zenmo/HOLON
Releases · Zenmo/HOLON
Holon v1.0 release (merged model after 6 july release event)
Merged functionalities of branches uses for various cases. This model can run the following holon-cases:
-Bedrijventerrein Energyhub
-Transitievisie Warmte
v4.0 MVP 29 Nov 22
Made sure f_instantiateEnergyAssets can deal with int values in input…
3.0 backbone with AnyLogic cloud API client module
v3.0 3.0 backbone with AnyLogic cloud API client module
Model after sprint 6
Cloud integration for fuik mockup
Wind en warmteholon plus combinatieholon
Archive sprint 6 model
Nog niet parameteriseerbaar en werkend in AL cloud
Archive 3D visuals and offices
Archive folder of the 3D visuals effort
Archive holon visuals after sprint 4
Visuals - huishoudens geven aan of ze bij holon horen met kleur - er kunnen nu oneindig veel huizen per wijk gemaakt worden. Tot 120 worden gevisualiseerd
Archive source data input model
Archive source data input model
Archive holon interaction model after sprint 4
Feature wijk model toevoegen (#77) * Ebuurt agent visualisation and orientation on main -Ebuurt agent visualisation created, visible on main. -Created Ebuurt-agents are automatically orientated in an optimal way after startup. * Household GIS-code separate, profiling tracelines Code initializing GIS-region locations is combined in one function (not called). -households, -adults, -parkingplaces. Added tracelines for profiling of model startup. * HolonAgent, WindparkAgent, ZonneparkAgent -Agenttypes HolonAgent, WindparkAgent toegevoegd. -Zonneparkagent toegevoegd in main, zodat we toekenning van duurzame energie via holons aan huishouden kunnen modelleren.