Author: Zhanyu Guo
See in src/*
sudo apt install cmake build-essential
sudo apt install git
git clone
or download from
cd glfw/
sudo apt install libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev
mkdir build
cd build/ && cmake .. && make
sudo make install
sudo apt install freeglut3-dev libxxf86vm-dev libassimp-dev
git clone
cd three_body_simulator/
mkdir build
cd build/ && cmake .. && make
Add mode selection.
Add more situations.
Complete the logic.
Add light cube for point lights.
Increase camera's speed.
- Add self-rotation.
Use low resolution textures to save memory.
Enable Multisample Anti-aliasing (MSAA).
Enable Gamma Correction.
Add diffuse light textures.
Add specular light textures.
Use Blinn-Phong instead of Phong.
Apply a skybox.
Add light.
From single body to multiple bodies.
Build a full physical system based on differential equations.
Generate bodies randomly or specially.
Visable pure-color bodies and trajectory.
Build an FPS camera, motion controlled by WASD and view by mouse.