This is an Ansible-based installer for Scrutiny, allowing you to monitor SMART data for a fleet of machines, large or small, and have some idea of when drives are experiencing issues.
It supports both all-in-one and hub-and-spoke deployments, and most popular architectures (amd64, arm64, arm).
You'll need the following:
- A computer with a modern version of Ansible installed. The version included in Debian 11, Ubuntu 22.04 or CentOS 7+ should work fine.
- One machine to act in the "hub"/"web" role.
- One or many machines to monitor.
For both the collector role and the web (hub) role, the following operating systems are supported:
- Debian 9 or above
- Ubuntu 18.04 or above
- CentOS 7 or above
- Check out a copy of this repository.
git clone
cd scrutiny-playbook
- Generate an SSH key if you don't already have one.
- Copy your SSH key to the servers you want to manage (replace example-host with your server's address).
ssh-copy-id example-host
- Edit the
file. Place one machine in the "scrutiny_web" section, then list all the machines you wish to run collectors on in the "scrutiny_collector" section. For a single machine, simply put the same machine into both sections.
Here's an example:
- Install Ansible Galaxy roles needed to run the playbook:
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml
- Now you're ready to rock! Run Ansible and watch as it sets up your disk monitoring solution.
ansible-playbook site.yml
- If the user you are connecting as requires a sudo password, run this command insatead.
ansible-playbook site.yml --ask-sudo-pass
- You should see a message like this once Ansible finishes, indicating a successful run:
TASK [Success!] **********************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
"msg": [
"If you're reading this, Scrutiny has been successfully deployed.",
"Let us know if it worked, and feel free to reach out if you need help. Enjoy!"
scrutiny-playbook was created in 2020 by Benjamin Arntzen.