A CPU-based tool to find the smallest or biggest hash of a specific type like MD5, SHA1 and more in python > 3.6.
Name : find-extreme-hashes.py
Created By : Thomas Messmer
Blog : http://thomas-messmer.com
Documentation : https://github.com/Zumili/find-extreme-hashes
License : The MIT License
Version : 1.0.0
git clone https://github.com/Zumili/find-extreme-hashes
python find-extreme-hashes.py -h
Options Short/Long | Type | Description
-m, --hash-type | Num | [-m ?] hash mode e.g. 0=MD5, 1400=SHA256
-c, --charset | Num | [-c ?] charset [0,1,2,...,custom]
-r, --random-length | Num | [-r ?] length of rand str or brute force
-f, --find-mode | Num | [-f ?] find 0=small 1=big 2=small and big
-d, --digits-only | | hash must only contain digits (0-9)
-u, --user-name | Str | user-name works as pre- or postfix
-p, --post-fix | | selects if user-name should be postfix
-o, --output-file | Str | output file for found extreme hashes
-n, --no-info | | only hash:candidate pair, good for pipe
-w, --worker | Num | [-w ?] worker count, minimum 1 worker
-e, --exclude-chars | Str | string of characters removed from charset
-b, --bf-steps | Num | [-b ?] brute force step size if worker >1
-s, --shuffle | | shuffle final charset
Show hash types
python find-extreme-hashes.py -m ?
Show charsets
python find-extreme-hashes.py -c ?
Show random length and brute force selector information
python find-extreme-hashes.py -r ?
Show find modes
python find-extreme-hashes.py -f ?
Show worker information
python find-extreme-hashes.py -w ?
Show brute force step size information
python find-extreme-hashes.py -b ?
Finding the smallest (-f 0 or NOT USED!) MD5 hash (-m md5) with a brute force approach (-r NOT USED!).
python find-extreme-hashes.py -m md5
Finding the biggest (-f 1) SHA1 hash (-m sha1) with a randomized approach, adding a user-name as prefix and a random string with the length of 8 (-r 8).
python find-extreme-hashes.py -m sha1 -u <USER-NAME> -f 1 -r 8
Finding the smallest BLAKE2B hash (-m blake2b) with a randomized approach, adding a user-name as postfix (-p) and a random string with the length of 12 (-r 12) with charset 3 [digits] (-c 3).
python find-extreme-hashes.py -m blake2b -u <USER-NAME> -p -r 12 -c 4
Finding the smallest and biggest (-f 2) SHA256 hash (-m sha256) which only contains digits (-d) and write the hash:plain pairs to a file (-o OUTPUT.txt).
python find-extreme-hashes.py -m sha256 -d -f 2 -o OUTPUT.txt
Finding the smallest SHA512 hash (-m sha512) with randomized approach with a random string with the length of 8, charset 2 [ascii_letters] and suppress all additional information (-n) except for the hash:plain pair and pipe that into a file.
python find-extreme-hashes.py -m sha512 -r 8 -c 3 -n > OUTPUT.txt
Finding the smallest MD5 hash, with brute force mode (-r NOT USED!) using charset 4 (-c 4) containing "0123456789abcdefABCDEF" and excluding "abcdef" (-e abcdef) from that charset. Final charset is then: "0123456789ABCDEF".
python find-extreme-hashes.py -m md5 -c 4 -e abcdef
Finding smallest SHA256 hash (-m sha256) with custom charset (-c Thequickbrownfxjmpsvtlazydg) and no info (-n) with 3 workers (-w 3) and a brute force step size for each worker of 6 characters (-b 6).
python find-extreme-hashes.py -m sha256 -c Thequickbrownfxjmpsvtlazydg -n -w 3 -b 6
You can also run the script in background with using e.g. (nohup) at the beginning of line and (>& /dev/null &) at the end to prevent any output file from being created.
nohup python find-extreme-hashes.py -m md5 -r 10 -c 6 -w 2 -u <USER-NAME> -o OUTPUT.txt -n >& /dev/null &
To stop the processes created with nohub use:
>> [1] + Running nohup python find-extreme-hashes.py ... options ...
kill %1
Written by Thomas Messmer (thomas-messmer.com) for scientific purposes only.