See user documentation at
Build a local version.
version set --template="0.3.%d"
cd cmd/templ
go build
Build and install current version.
# Remove templ from the non-standard ~/bin/templ path
# that this command previously used.
rm -f ~/bin/templ
# Clear LSP logs.
rm -f cmd/templ/lspcmd/*.txt
# Update version.
version set --template="0.3.%d"
# Install to $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/go/bin
cd cmd/templ && go install
Use goreleaser to build the command line binary using goreleaser.
goreleaser build --snapshot --clean
Run templ generate using local version.
go run ./cmd/templ generate -include-version=false
Run Go tests.
version set --template="0.3.%d"
go run ./cmd/templ generate -include-version=false
go test ./...
Run Go tests.
version set --template="0.3.%d"
go run ./cmd/templ generate -include-version=false
go test ./... -short
Run Go tests.
# Create test profile directories.
mkdir -p coverage/fmt
mkdir -p coverage/generate
mkdir -p coverage/version
mkdir -p coverage/unit
# Build the test binary.
go build -cover -o ./coverage/templ-cover ./cmd/templ
# Run the covered generate command.
GOCOVERDIR=coverage/fmt ./coverage/templ-cover fmt .
GOCOVERDIR=coverage/generate ./coverage/templ-cover generate -include-version=false
GOCOVERDIR=coverage/version ./coverage/templ-cover version
# Run the unit tests.
go test -cover ./... -coverpkg ./... -args -test.gocoverdir="$PWD/coverage/unit"
# Display the combined percentage.
go tool covdata percent -i=./coverage/fmt,./coverage/generate,./coverage/version,./coverage/unit
# Generate a text coverage profile for tooling to use.
go tool covdata textfmt -i=./coverage/fmt,./coverage/generate,./coverage/version,./coverage/unit -o coverage.out
# Print total
go tool cover -func coverage.out | grep total
gotestsum --watch -- -coverprofile=coverage.out
Run benchmarks.
go run ./cmd/templ generate -include-version=false && go test ./... -bench=. -benchmem
Format all Go and templ code.
gofmt -s -w .
go run ./cmd/templ fmt .
Run the lint operations that are run as part of the CI.
golangci-lint run --verbose
Ensure that templ files have been generated with the local version of templ, and that those files have been added to git.
Requires: generate
git diff --exit-code
Push a semantic version number to GitHub to trigger the release process.
version push --template="0.3.%d" --prefix="v"
Run the development server.
Directory: docs
npm run start
Build production docs site.
Directory: docs
npm run build