- TAMPAR: Tampering detection for parcel logistics from our WACV '24 paper "TAMPAR: Visual Tampering Detection for Parcel Logistics in Postal Supply Chains"
- CubeRefine R-CNN: architecture for 3D Reconstruction for potentially damaged parcels from our CVPRW '23 paper "Parcel3D: Shape Reconstruction From Single RGB Images for Applications in Transportation Logistics"
- lanelet2anchors:
package for the generation of diverse map-based anchor paths from our CVPRW' 23 paper "Lanelet2 for nuScenes: Enabling Spatial Semantic Relationships and Diverse Map-based Anchor Paths" - Repos of paper "Scrape, Cut, Paste and Learn: Automated Dataset Generation Applied to Parcel Logistics"
- Dataset Generator: Synthetic instance segmentation dataset generation
- Image Scraping: Image scraping from Google, Bing, Baidu and Yahoo
- CNN Training Detectron2: CNN Training with Detectron2, including Github CI
- Dataset Generator: Synthetic instance segmentation dataset generation
- Minimal template for publishing research code
- Code of paper "Refined Plane Segmentation for Cuboid-Shaped Objects by Leveraging Edge Detection"
- Allocentric vs. egocentric pose of an object
- aideadlin.es
key contributor in collaboration with Papers With Code; maintaining own fork that supports filtering by ranking at deadlines.info
- Markdownslides: Markdown-based slides hosted with Github Pages
- PPW: Template to create and host a simple password-protected website with Github Pages
- yaml2pyclass: Code generator that produces a Python class from a YAML input file as
package - pdf-link-checker: Github Action and CLI tool to automatically check all links in a PDF for dead or broken links
- latex-devcontainer: Hassle-free usage of LaTeX in VS Code using Devcontainer
- Easy usage of shortcuts for Windows with AutoHotKey
- Scripts to automatically map a specific CUDA version to a Conda Python environment
- Extension to the standard Python logging package which facilitates tracking with Git and provides decorators for messages