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This set of tools is designed to help generatate a batch of domains with users, devices, macs, queues, and agents against a netsapeins solution. It utilizes api v2 for all API calls and is a good example application for learning that api. The Tool will also help generate .csv files for input into SIPp scripts that are included with the pacakge. Finally it uses a series of bash scrips and cron jobs (yes, slightly old school) to run it all in the background and keep things going to your target server.


This application is unsupported by netsapiens/crexendo and is designed for a sample application, test tool and learning use case. Any support or advancement would be a community effort only with no warranties or SLAs provided by the original contributor or netsapiens. These are also real calls that will be tracked against any license or session limits.


You should run 1 server per target SiPbx servers. Can be run anywhere that can access SiPbx SIP enpoint and Api. Note there is network usage so beware of hidden costs there if using a provider charging for network.

Main User Generation logic

  • Application will create up MAX_DOMAIN number of domains using a random name generation tool. The randomness is controlled by the SEED variable in the .env so repeated running will return similar names.
  • The tool is designed to create domains in random sizes, 1% of the domains will be > 1k users. 5% will be >100 and the remaining will be random between 30 and 80 users per domain.
  • Each domain will be randomly assinged at leasst 1 phonenumber, but up to 10 depending on the size of the domain. The Area code will be random and the last 4 numbers will be random as well. The NXX will be 555 to avoid overlap with real numbers.
  • For each domain the tool will create N number of users with Random First & last name as well as putting the client in a Random site based on a random city name generated. Its 1 site per 30 users in the domain.
  • Extensions will start with 1000 and go up from there incrementing by 1. 1000 will get office manager, 1001 Call Center Supervisor Scope and the rest basic user scope.
  • Each User will get 1 device with a random secure password and 50% of those users will also get a MAC address addedd to the ndp.
  • The application will create a recording record for every X number of users. Configurable via RECORDING_DIVISER in .env. Example 4 woudl be 25% of the calls would get recorded.
  • Each domain will get at least 1 callqueue, but app will generate up to 8, 1 per every 10 users. Queue extensions will start with 4000 and go up from there.
  • Every queue will get agents added, at the rate of 10% of the users in the domain or a min of 4 per queue. The agents are selected at random.

Calling feautures Features

  • Regististration including full auth (udp, tcp and tls). NOTE: TLS still in progress and will require addition sipp steps.
  • SIP SUBSCRIBE (MWI and Prsence) total of 5 per registration on average.
  • Agents in Callqueues capable of taking calls.
  • Inbound calls dispatched to call queues and agent through normal inbound connection, DID table, etc.. flow
  • calling patterns mimic a 8 hour day acorss multiple time zones in the US.


Follow steps below to install and configure tool.


  • Ubuntu 22 or 24
  • x86_64 or Arm
  • Packages
     apt install git dnsutils cron rsync nodejs npm memcached vim sip-tester iputils-ping 2to3 python-is-python3


  • Clone Git Project to /usr/local/NetSapiens/ folder
    mkdir -p /usr/local/NetSapiens/
    cd /usr/local/NetSapiens/
    git clone
    cd /usr/local/NetSapiens/netsapiens-loadgenerator
  • Install node packages.
    cd /usr/local/NetSapiens/netsapiens-loadgenerator
    npm install 
  • Link cron config file
    ln -sf /usr/local/NetSapiens/netsapiens-loadgenerator/cron/start_sipp  /etc/cron.d/start_sipp
  • Setup Environment file with config.
    cp .env.example .env
  • Start app building user and sipp scripts. node server.js

Upgrade steps

  • Stash any changes to avoid conflicts and pull latest code.
     git stash; 
     git pull;

Example .env file

TARGET_SERVER="" # Target server for API and SIP requests
RESELLER="NetSapiens" # Reseller name for API requests
SEED=123456 # Seed for random number generator, prefer 6 digit numberic
APIKEY="nss_xxxxx" # API Key for super user API KEY
MAX_DOMAIN=10 # the number of random domains that will be generated
PEAK_CPS=10 # Peak CPS for SIP traffic going to the target Server at peak time. can be small like .5 too.
REGISTRATION_PCT=0.5 # Percentage of USER DEVICES that will be registered
RECORDING_DIVISER=4 # 1/x the chance the user will have recording enabled. example 4 will be 25% recording enabled
API_DEBUG=1 # 0=off, 1=on
IP_USE_PUBLIC=1 # 0=off, 1=on Use public IP for SDP Ip address

Recommended SIPbx System Settings.

  • RTPRelayPrimeWithAudio = yes #allows us to use "echo" function to test audio.
  • SipTransportRecovery = no #prevents old data from hitting new sipp script unexpectidly.

Connection setting

Create a connection to match on "inbound-carrier" and lock to IP if needed. Send calls to "Inbound DID" or your normal inbound dial plan.

  • natwan = sdp #set on connection accpeting traffic from sipp. allows us to use "echo" function to test audio.

Example run

root@core1-phx:/usr/local/NetSapiens/netsapiens-loadgenerator# node server.js 
[0]Creating domain o_conner_kuhic_inc with 29 users in US/Pacific timezone and area code 682 and main number 6825556045
[1]Creating domain oberbrunner_llc with 27 users in US/Mountain timezone and area code 213 and main number 2135555576
[2]Creating domain bogisich_group with 30 users in US/Central timezone and area code 576 and main number 5765557408
[3]Creating domain o_keefe_casper_llc with 42 users in US/Eastern timezone and area code 639 and main number 6395559513
[4]Creating domain bailey_jerde_and_jacobs_inc with 49 users in US/Alaska timezone and area code 492 and main number 4925555632

root@core1-phx:/usr/local/NetSapiens/netsapiens-loadgenerator# head -n4 sipp/csv/devices/oberbrunner_llc.csv 
Dan Ankunding;1001;oberbrunner_llc;[authentication username=1001 password=74d9be7f523f]
Edmund Kreiger;1000;oberbrunner_llc;[authentication username=1000 password=894abc3c87b9]
Hugo Koelpin;1007;oberbrunner_llc;[authentication username=1007 password=8912ccd20f76]

root@core1-phx:/usr/local/NetSapiens/netsapiens-loadgenerator# head -n4 sipp/csv/phonenumbers/US_Mountain.csv 
12135555576;oberbrunner_llc;DID for Design
12135555577;oberbrunner_llc;DID for Development
12135555575;oberbrunner_llc;DID for Engineering

Example in use.

  • ~40k full registations
  • >1k domains, 100k+ users
  • >2k PPs, 10 Cps+ alt text alt text
  • Randon Domain, user and device user agents.
  • looks and simulates read user data. alt text alt text
  • you can even get call center stats alt text alt text alt text

Feature wish list

  • additional call flows
    • extension to extension
    • call to voicemail
    • conference bridges
  • api usage
    • read users
    • read reports
    • log in and log out agents
  • connect nsnode socket


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