- 🏠 I'm from Valencia, Spain 🥘
- 💼 I'm working as a Senior Backend Developer at Jeffapp.
- 🔨 I'm currently working with Java & Spring Boot, Microservices, RabbitMQ.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about TDD, DDD, Clean architectures and more!
- 🤔 I'm an enthusiast of Clean Code, SOLID/DRY/KISS principles, TDD metodology, always trying to learn how to do better.
- {▸} Follower of CodelyTV.
- 🚲 My hobbies are practice cycling, ride with my motorcycle and travel (if it’s possible with my motorcycle).
- ⌨️ Java | Kotlin | Dart | SQL | PL/SQL
- 🧰 Spring Framework | Spring Boot | Spring Cloud | RabbitMQ | WebSockets | Microservices
- 🌐 HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap
- 📱 Flutter
- 🛢 MySQL | Oracle | MongoDB | ElasticSearch
- 🔧 Git | GitHub Flow | Docker | Kubernetes | AWS | SonarQube | Jenkins | Kibana | Logstash
- 🖥 Mac | IntelliJ | VS Code | GitHub | GitLab | CLI
- 🌱 Cloud Architecture, CQRS, Event Sourcing
- 📝 Python | Go | Rust
- 🧰 Node.js | Django
- 🌐 Angular | Vue | React
- 📱 Android | iOS
- 🔧 More about AWS technolgies