Coke is a Shell/Bash command using PHP Code Sniffer allowing rules management per project.
Create a .coke
file at your project root :
# Command used to launch PHP CodeSniffer (optional - default: phpcs)
# Path used to load Standards (optional)
# Standard used by PHP CodeSniffer (required)
# Verbose mode (optional - default: false)
# White list of files and directories (optional)
# Black list of files and directories (optional)
and just launch the command :
$ coke
You can override .coke
settings by passing directly configuration as arguments to the command :
$ coke src test.php --standard=Symfony2 --ignore=Tests,src/OldFile.php -v
The order of arguments is not important
src test.php
Files/Directories to include in the check
Standard to use for check
URL patterns to ignore in the check
Use verbose mode
You can use any phpcs arguments (documentation)
For example if you want to generate a report with your favorite CI tools you can run
$ coke --report-checkstyle=checkstyle.xml
Add coke in the require-dev section of your composer.json :
"require-dev": {
"m6web/coke" : "~1.0"
By default composer will add a symlink to coke in vendor/bin/coke.
If you want to change it, add this in your composer.json (more information about this in the composer documentation) :
"config": {
"bin-dir": "bin"
Then you can call coke via :
Developped by the Cytron Team of M6 Web.
Coke is licensed under the MIT license.