Maintainer: Alessandro Fornasier
This code was written by the Control of Networked System (CNS), University of Klagenfurt.
If you use this software in an academic research setting, please cite the
corresponding paper and consult the LICENSE
file for a detailed explanation.
author={Fornasier, Alessandro and Ng, Yonhon and Brommer, Christian and Böhm, Christoph and Mahony, Robert and Weiss, Stephan},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={Overcoming Bias: Equivariant Filter Design for Biased Attitude Estimation With Online Calibration},
ABC EqF contains an educational implementation of the Equivariant filter presented in the Robotics and Automation Letter "Overcoming Bias: Equivariant Filter Design for Biased Attitude Estimation with Online Calibration".
- pylie (latest commit tested: 65922fc)
python3 examples/ examples/data.csv --show
docker build --network=host -t abc_eqf -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker run -it --rm --network=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v <path_of_your_choice>:/home/ubuntu/ABC-EqF/examples/results abc_eqf
cd ABC-EqF/examples
python3 data.csv
The resulting plots will be saved in <path_of_your_choice>