Web Designer create the overall look and feel of a website.
Web Developer implement the design using HTML, CSS and JavaScript code
The designers design a website or a webpage using design tools such as Figma, AdobXD and Photoshop etc. but developer take that design and implement it through code
Creates an immediate and lasting good impression of the brand or product | Make users believe the brand doesn't really care about their product or service |
Make the user trust the brand right away | Make the user insecure about trusting the brand |
Increases the user's perceived value of the brand or product | Make the brand or product seem "cheap" |
Gives users exactly what they were looking for when coming to the site, e.g. purchasing a product or finding information | Leaves users confused, and makes it hard to for them to reach their goal |
Good Web desing is not subjective or creative everyone can learn basic by following some rules and guidelines
- Typography
- Colors
- Images and Illustrations
- Icons
- Shadows
- Border-radius
- Whitespace
- Visual Hierarchy
- User Experience
- Components and Layout
Design decisions for each igredient are based on website personality
Design ingredients need to be applied in different ways to different website personalities. Different personalities have different traits, therefore choices for design ingredients need to be made accordingly.
Serious/Elegant: For luxury and elegance, based on thin serif typefaces, golden or pastel colors, and big high-quality images
Minimalist/Simple: Focusses on the essential text content, using small or medium-sized sans-serif black text, lines, and few images and icons
Plain/Neutral: Design that gets out of the way by using neutral and small typefaces, and a very structured layout. Common in big corporations
Bold/Confident: Makes an impact, by featuring big and bold typography, paired with confident use of big and bright colored blocks
Calm/Peaceful: For products and services that care, transmitted by calming pastel colors, soft serif headings, and matching images/illustrations
Startup/Upbeat: Widely used in startups, featuring medium-sized sansserif typefaces, light-grey text and backgrounds, and rounded elements
Playful/Fun: Colorful and round designs, fueled by creative elements like hand-drawn icons or illustrations, animations, and fun language
Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed
- Wikipedia
All Web Design Rules and Guidelines | Modern look and feel |
Modern look and feel | Clean and simple |
Clean and simple | Easier to choose for beginner designer |
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Use only good and popular typefaces and play it safe
- Inter
- Open Sans
- Roboto
- Montserrat
- Work Sans
- Lato
- Merriweather
- Aleo
- Playfair Display
- Cormorant
- Cardo
- Lora
TOOLBOX: Google Font, `Font Squirrel
It’s okay to use just one typeface per page! If you want more, limit to 2 typefaces
Choose the right typeface according to your website personality
- Choose the right personality for your website
- Decide between a serif and sans-serif typeface
- Experiment with all the “good” typefaces (and other typefaces from Google Fonts!) to see which ones best fits your website’s message (this will come with experience)
- You can keep trying different typefaces as you design and build the page
When choosing font-sizes, limit choices! Use a “type scale” tool or other pre-defined range
Use a font size between 16px and 32px for “normal” text
For long text (like a blog post), try a size of 20px or even bigger
For headlines, you can go really big (50px+) and bold (600+), depending on personality
For any text, don’t use a font weight under 400 (regular)
Use less than 75 characters per line
For normal-sized text, use a line height between 1.5 and For big text, go below 1.5
- The smaller or longer the text, the larger the line height needs to be
Decrease letter spacing in headlines, if it looks unnatural (this will come from experience)
Experiment with all caps for short titles. Make them small and bold and increase letter-spacing
Usually, don’t justify text
Don’t center long text blocks. Small blocks are fine
Make the main color match your website’s personality: colors convey meaning!
- Red Color draws a lot of attention, and symbolizes power, passion, and excitement
- Orange Color is less aggressive, and conveys happiness, cheerfulness, and creativity
- Yellow Color means joy, brightness, and intelligence
- Green Color represents harmony, nature, growth, and health
- Blue Color is associated with peace, trustworthiness, and professionalism
- Purple Color conveys wealth, wisdom, and magic
- Pink Color represents romance, care, and affection
- Brown Color is associated with nature, durability and comfort
- Black Color symbolizes power, elegance and minimalism, but also grief and sorrow
Use a good color tone! Don’t choose a random tone or CSS named colors
TOOLBOX: Open Color, Tailwindcss, Flast UI Color2
You need at least two types of colors in your color palette: a main color and a grey color
- Grey color can be dark version of every color
With more experience, you can add more colors: accent (secondary) colors (use a tool)
For diversity, create lighter and darker “versions” (tints and shades)
- Tints means lighter version
- Shasdes means darker version
TOOLBOX: Tinst And Shade Generator, Paletton, Coolors
Use your main color to draw attention to the most important elements on the page
Use colors to add interesting accents or make entire components or sections stand out
You can try to use your color strategically in images and illustrations
On dark colored backgrounds, try to use a tint of the background (“lighter version”) for text
Text should usually not be completely black. Lighten if up it looks heavy and uninviting
Don’t make text too light! Use a tool to check contrast between text and background colors
- Contrast ratio needs to be at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text (18px+)
Different types of images: product photos, storytelling photos, illustrations, patterns
Use images to support your website’s message and story. So only use relevant images!
Prefer original images. If not possible, use original-looking stock images (not generic ones!)
Try to show real people to trigger user’s emotions
If necessary, crop images to fit your message
Experiment combining photos, illustrations and patterns
Method #1: Darker or brighten image (completely or partially, using a gradient)
Method #2: Position text into neutral image area
Method #3: Put text in a box
To account for high-res screens, make image dimensions 2x as big as their displayed size
Scale factor: Actual pixels the screen contains / Pixels
On high-res screens, scale factor is 2x or even 3x, on “normal” screens it’s just 1x (1 physical pixel = 1 design pixel) represented on screen
Compress images for a lower file size and better performance
TOOLBOX: Squoosh
When using multiple images side-by-side, make sure they have the exact same dimensions
Use a good icon pack, there are tons of free and paid icons packs
- You can just use emojis too 😁
TOOLBOX: Phosphor Icon, Ionicons, Icon8
Use only one icon pack. Don’t mix icons from different icon packs
Use SVG icons or icon fonts. Don’t use bitmap image formats (.jpg and .png)!
VECTOR-BASE BITMAP SVG icons and icon fonts “Regular images”: JPG, PNG, GIF Scale indefinitely! Do not scale, become unsharp! -
Adjust to website personality! Roundness, weight and filled/outlined depend on typography
Use icons to provide visual assistance to text
Use icons for product feature blocks
Use icons associated with actions, and label them (unless no space or icon is 100% clear)
Use icons as bullet points
To keep icons neutral, use same color as text. To draw more attention, use different color
Don’t confuse your users: icons need to make sense and fit the text or action!
Don't make icons larger than what they were designed for. If needed, enclose them in a shape
After an era of 100% flat design, we’re now back to using shadows in UI design (“flat design 2.0”)
Shadow creates depth (3D): the more shadow, the further away from the interface the element is
- Shadow can be used on boxes and text
You don’t have to use shadows! Only use them if it makes sense for the website personality
- Less shadow for peronality like SERIOUS or ELEGANT website
- More shadow for personality like PLAYFUL or FUN website
Use shadows in small doses: don’t add shadows to every element!
Go light on shadows, don’t make them too dark!
Use small shadows for smaller elements that should stand out (to draw attention)
Use medium-sized shadows for larger areas that should stand out a bit more
Use large shadows for elements that should really float above the interface
Experiment with changing shadows on mouse interaction (click and hover)
Bonus: Experiment with glows (colored shadows)
Use border-radius to increase the playfulness and fun of the design, to make it less serious
- Less border-radius for peronality like SERIOUS or ELEGANT website
- More border-radius for personality like PLAYFUL or FUN website
Typefaces have a certain roundness: make sure that border-radius matches that roundness!
Use border-radius on buttons, images, around icons, standout sections and other elements
The right amount of whitespace makes designs look clean, modern and polished
Whitespace communicates how different pieces of information are related to one another
Whitespace implies invisible relationships between the elements of a layout
Use tons of whitespace between sections
Use a lot of whitespace between groups of elements
Use whitespace between elements
Inside groups of elements, try to use whitespace instead of lines
The more some elements (or groups of elements) belong together, the closer they should be!
- Law of Proximity: Objects that are near, or proximate to each other, tend to be grouped together.
Start with a lot of whitespace, maybe even too much! Then remove whitespace from there
- oo much whitespace looks detached, too little looks too crammed
Match other design choices. If you have big text or big icons, you need more whitespace
Try a hard rule, such as using multiples of 16px for all spacing
Visual hierarchy is about establishing which elements of a design are the most important ones
Visual hierarchy is about drawing attention to these most important elements
Visual hierarchy is about defining a “path” for users, to guide them through the page
We use a combination of position, size, colors, spacing, borders, and shadows to establish a meaningful visual hierarchy between elements/components
Position important elements closer to the top the page, where they get more attention
Use images mindfully, as they draw a lot of attention (larger images get more attention)
Whitespace creates separation, so use whitespace strategically to emphasize elements
For text elements, use font size, font weight, color, and whitespace to convey importance
What text elements to emphasize? Titles,sub-titles, links, buttons, data points, icons
- You can also de-emphasize less important text, like labels or secondary/additional information
Emphasize an important component using background color, shadow, or border (or multiple)
Try emphasizing some component A over component B by de-emphasizing component B
What components to emphasize? Testimonials, call-to-action sections, highlight sections, preview cards, forms, pricing tables, important rows/columns in tables, etc.
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works
– Steve Jobs
User Interface (UI) is the visual presentation of a product. It’s how the graphical interface looks and feels like
- Layout
- Personality
- Typography, colors, icons, etc
User Experience (UX) is the overall experience the user has while interacting with the product
- Does the app feel logical and well thought out?
- Does the navigation work intuitively?
- Are users reaching their goals?
UI is graphical interface 👉 UI Design is what makes an interface beautiful
UX is experience with interface 👉 UX Design is what makes an interface useful and functional
UX Design can not exist without UI Design!
A website or application exists for a reason: a user has a goal for visiting it, and a business has a goal for creating it
- Good UX design aligns the user’s goals with the business’ goals
Don’t design complicated layouts. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Use patterns that users know
Make your call-to-action the most prominent element, and make the text descriptive
Use blue text and underlined text only for links!
Animations should have a purpose and be fast: between 200 and 500 ms
In forms, align labels and fields in a single vertical line, to make the form easier to scan
Offer users good feedback for all actions: form errors, form success, etc. [web apps]
Place action buttons where they will create an effect (law of locality) [web apps]
Use a descriptive, keyword-focused headline on your main page. Don’t be vague or fancy!
Only include relevant information, efficiently! Cut out fluff and make the content 100% clear
Use simple words! Avoid technical jargon and “smart-sounding” words
Break up long text with sub-headings, images, block quotes, bullet points, etc.
How do you want website to ppear to users? What “vibe” do you want to transmit?
Choose one of the website personalities accordingly
Apply personality traits to each design ingredient
- Typography
- Colors
- Images
- Icons
- Shadows
- Border-radius
- Layout
Design for luxury and elegance, based on thin serif typefaces, golden or pastel colors, and big high-quality images
Real estate, high fashion, jewelry, luxury products or services
TYPOGRAPHY: Serif typefaces (especially in headings), light font weight, small body font size
COLORS: Gold, pastel colors, black, dark blue or grey
IMAGES: Big, high-quality images are used to feature elegant and expensive products
ICONS: 🤷 Usually no icons, but thin icons and lines may be used
SHADOWS: 🚫 Usually no shadows
BORDER-RADIUS: 🚫 Usually no border-radius
LAYOUT: A creative and experimental layout is quite common
Focusses on the essential text content, using small or mediumsized sans-serif black text, lines, and few images and icons
Fashion, portfolios, minimalism companies, software startups
TYPOGRAPHY: Boxy/squared sans-serif typefaces, small body font sizes
COLORS: Usually black or dark grey, on pure white background. Usually just one color throughout the design
IMAGES: Few images, which can be used to add some color to the design. Usually no illustrations, but if, than just black
ICONS: 🤷 Usually no icons, but small simple black icons may be used
SHADOWS: 🚫 Usually no shadows
BORDER-RADIUS: 🚫 Usually no border-radius
LAYOUT: Simple layout, a narrow one-column layout is quite common
Design that gets out of the way by using very neutral and small typefaces, and a boxy, structured, and condensed layout
Well-established corporations, companies that don’t want to make an impact through design
TYPOGRAPHY: Neutral-looking sans-serif typefaces are used, and text is usually small and doesn’t have visual impact
COLORS: Safe colors are employed, nothing too bright or to washed-out. Blues and blacks are common
IMAGES: Images are frequently used, but usually in a small format
ICONS: 🤷 Usually no icons, but simple icons may be used
SHADOWS: 🚫 Usually no shadows
BORDER-RADIUS: 🚫 Usually no border-radius
LAYOUT: Structured and condensed layout, with lots of boxes and rows
Design that makes an impact, by featuring big and bold typography, paired with confident use of big colored blocks
Digital agencies, software startups, travel, “strong" companies
TYPOGRAPHY: Boxy/squared sans-serif typefaces, big and bold typography, especially headings. Uppercase headings are common
COLORS: Usually multiple bright colors. Big color blocks/sections are used to draw attention
IMAGES: Lots of big images are usually displayed
ICONS: 🚫 Usually no icons
SHADOWS: 🚫 Usually no shadows
BORDER-RADIUS: 🚫 Usually no border-radius
LAYOUT: 🤷 All kinds of layouts, no particular tendencies
For products and services that care about the consumer, which is transmitted by calming pastel colors and soft serif headings
Healthcare, all products with focus on consumer well-being
TYPOGRAPHY: Soft serif typefaces frequently used for headings, but sansserif headings might be used too (e.g for software products)
COLORS: Pastel/washed-out colors: light oranges, yellows, browns, greens, blues
IMAGES: Images and illustrations are usual, matching calm color palette
ICONS: ✅ Icons are quite frequent
SHADOWS: 🤷 Usually no shadows, but might be used sparingly
BORDER-RADIUS: ✅ Some border-radius is usual
LAYOUT: 🤷 All kinds of layouts, no particular tendencies
Widely used in startups, featuring medium-sized sans-serif typefaces, light-grey backgrounds, and rounded elements
Software startups, and other modern-looking companies
TYPOGRAPHY: Medium-sized headings (not too large), usually one sans-serif typeface in whole design. Tendency for lighter text colors
COLORS: Blues, greens and purples are widely used. Lots of light backgrounds (mainly gray), gradients are also common
IMAGES: Images or illustrations are always used. 3D illustrations are modern. Sometimes patterns and shapes add visual details
ICONS: ✅ Icons are very frequent
SHADOW: ✅ Subtle shadows are frequent. Glows are becoming modern
BORDER-RADIUS: ✅ Border-radius is very common
LAYOUT: Rows of cards and Z-patterns are usual, as well as animations
Colorful and round designs, fueled by creative elements like hand-drawn icons or illustrations, animations, and fun language
Child products, animal products, food
TYPOGRAPHY: Round and creative (e.g. handwritten) sans-serif typefaces are frequent. Centered text is more common
COLORS: Multiple colors are frequently used to design a colorful layout, all over backgrounds and text
IMAGES: Images, hand-drawn (or 3D) illustrations, and geometric shapes and patterns are all very frequently used
ICONS: ✅ Icons are very frequent, many times in a hand-drawn style
SHADOWS: ✅ Subtle shadows are quite common, but not always used
BORDER-RADIUS: ✅ Border-radius is very common
LAYOUT: 🤷 All kinds of layouts, no particular tendencies
Define WHO the website is for. Is it for yourself? For a client of your agency or your freelancing business?
Define WHAT the website is for. In other words, define business and user goals of your website project
Business goal example: Selling premium dog food
User goal example: Finding high-quality dog food for good price
- Define a target audience. Be really specific if possible and if it makes sense for your website (this can come from your client)
Example: “Women, 20 to 40 years old, living in Europe, earning over 2000€/month, with a passion for dogs”
Plan and gather website content: copy (text), images, videos etc.
Content is usually provided by the client, but you also can help them produce and find some content (simply finding free images is easiest, but if they want copy, charge them extra)
For bigger sites, plan out the sitemap: what pages the site needs, and how they are related to one another (content hierarchy)
Based on the content, plan what sections each page needs in order to convey the content’s message, and in which order
Define the website personality
Think about what components you need, and how you can use them in layout patterns
Get ideas out of your head: sketch them with pen and paper or with some design software (e.g. Figma )
This is an iterative process: experiment with different components and layouts, until you arrive at a first good solution
You don’t need to sketch everything, and don’t make it perfect. At some point, you’re ready to jump into HTML and CSS
Use decisions, content and sketches from Steps 1, 2 and 3 to design and build the website with HTML and CSS (“designing in the browser”)
You already have the layout and components that you selected in Step 3. In this step, you need to design the actual visual styles
Create the design based on selected website personality, the design guidelines I showed you, and inspiration
Use the client’s branding (it if exists already) for design decisions whenever possible: colors, typography, icons, etc
Make sure website works well in all major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, maybe even old IE 😱)
Test the website on actual mobile devices, not just in DevTools
Optimize all images, in terms of dimensions and file size (👋 See images guidline)
Fix simple accessibility problems (e.g. color contrast issues)
Run the Lighthouse performance test in Chrome DevTools and try to fix reported issues
Think about Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Once all work is done, everything is perfect, and you got approval from your client (or yourself 😁), it’s time to share your masterpiece with the world!
Upload your website files to a hosting platform. There are countless platform, we will use one with a free plan (Netlify )
Choose and buy a great domain name, one that represents the brand well, is memorable and easy to write
Launching is not the end…
Keep the website content updated over time. If you’re working with a client, you can create a monthly maintenance contract (recurring revenue 🤑)
Install analytics software (e.g. Google Analytics or Fathom) to get statistics about website users. This may inform future changes in the site structure and content.
A blog that is updated regularly is a good way to keep users coming back, and is also good for SEO.
Design technique to make a webpage adjust its layout and visual style to any possible screen size (window or viewport size)
In practice, this means that responsive design makes websites usable on all devices, such as desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones.
It’s a set of practices, not a separate technology. It’s all just CSS!
To allow webpage to adapt to the current viewport width (or even height)
Use % (or vh / vw) unit instead of px for elements that should adapt to viewport (usually layout)
Use max-width instead of width
Use rem unit instead of px for most lengths
To make it easy to scale the entire layout down (or up) automatically
Helpful trick: setting 1rem to 10px for easy calculations
By default, images don’t scale automatically as we change the viewport, so we need to fix that
Always use % for image dimensions, together with the max-width property
Bring responsive sites to life!
To change CSS styles on certain viewport widths (called breakpoints)
Start writing CSS for the desktop: large screen
Then, media queries shrink design to smaller screens.
Start writing CSS for mobile devices: small screen
Then, media queries expand design to a large screen
Forces us to reduce websites and apps to the absolute essentials