Experienced IT professionals building web applications. I specialize in Python and have experience with Django, Rest API, which are used in commercial development, so have experience with frameworks like FastAPl, Django with some knowledge in Front-end Technologies such as VueJs. Some experience with Golang for build web microservices.
- HTML, Css, Node Js, Vue JS
- Python, OOP, Algorithms, Data Structures
- Django, Django REST Framework, Odoo, FastAPI, Flask
- Celery, Redis, RabbitMQ
- Python Telegram Bot, Aiogram
- Data Science, Numpy, Pandas
- Git, GitHub, GitLab
- PostgresSQL, SQL, SQLite, MongoDB
- AWS, Digital Ocean, Railway, Heroku
- Streaming Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Data Analytics
- Deep Learning
- Streamlit
- Portfolio Full Stack - Portfolio
- Linked In - @abdulaziz
- Telegram - @abdulaziz99_63