PHP Callable Spy
// Closure to be spied on
$fn = function ($a, $b) {
return $a + $b;
// Replace closure with a spy
$fn = new \Callable\Spy($fn);
echo $fn(5, 3); // Output: 8 (through spy proxy)
// Gets last call made through spy proxy
$lastCall = $fn->getLastCall();
$timestamp = $lastCall->getDate(); // Timestamp of call
$stackTrace = $lastCall->getStackTrace(); // Full stack-trace of call
print_r($lastCall->getArgs()); // Output: [5, 3]
print_r($lastCall->getResult()); // Output: 8
For more examples, have a look in the examples folder above! Also, there are a lot more examples as tests in the test folder.