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####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with puppet
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  8. Contributors
  9. Release Notes/Etc


Manage puppet master, agents, modules using the same principals as you manage your other services.

##Module Description

This module is very opinionated. It makes a few assumptions on how to manage a puppet master and it's agents. These opinions are what I consider the best way to do things based on my experiences using puppet. Those opinions have also been heavily influenced by the likes of Gary Larizza, Zack Smith, Craig Dunn and Adrien Thebo.

If you would like this module to behave differently I am happy to accept pull requests. Please maintain backwards compatibility wherever prudent.

Right now that that's out of the way here's how it works. Out of the box it manages the pupetlabs repo, the puppet agent, the versions installed and it's environment. It can also optionally manage some facts using the facter.d structure (I use these in my hiera setup). On a puppet master it manages the puppet master, passenger, a few dependencies, their versions, hiera and some basic config. It can also optionally manage a module environment (or environments) and a hiera repo with r10k and puppetdb.

I believe Puppet needs to be managed just as explicitly as any other service in your environment. It may not be the best way to do it but it's how I do it and it works for me. This module is how I manage puppet for my clients so it gets extensive testing in production and in my vagrant based development environments. If it works for you, awesome! If not, let me know or send me a pull request.


###What puppet affects

  • Directories:
    • Puppet 3.x
      • /etc/facter
      • /etc/facter/facts.d
      • /etc/puppet/hiera_eyaml_keys
    • Puppet 4.x
      • /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/**
      • /etc/puppetlabs/code/hieradata/**
      • /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera_eyaml_keys
  • Files: dynamically updated files are displayed like this
    • Debian
      • /etc/default/puppet
    • RedHat
      • /etc/sysconfig/puppet
    • Puppet 3.x
      • /etc/hiera.yaml
      • /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
      • /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml
      • /etc/r10k.yaml
      • /etc/puppet/hiera_eyaml_keys/private_key.pkcs7.pem
      • /etc/puppet/hiera_eyaml_keys/public_key.pkcs7.pem
    • Puppet 4.x
      • /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml
      • /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
      • /etc/r10k.yaml
      • /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera_eyaml_keys/private_key.pkcs7.pem
      • /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera_eyaml_keys/public_key.pkcs7.pem
  • Cron Jobs
    • puppet_r10k puppet::profile::r10k
    • puppet clean reports puppet::profile::puppetdb
    • run_puppet_agent puppet::agent
  • Logs being rotated
  • Packages:
    • r10k puppet::profile::r10k
    • puppetdb puppet::profile::puppetdb
    • Puppet 4.x
      • puppet-agent
      • puppetserver
    • Puppet 3.x
      • Debian:
        • facter
        • hiera
        • hiera-eyaml puppet::master::install
        • puppet
        • puppet-common
        • puppetlabs-release
        • puppetmaster-common puppet::master::install::deps
      • RedHat:
        • facter
        • hiera
        • puppet
        • puppetlabs-release
  • puppet and it's config files, hiera config, apache vhost for puppetmaster.

###Setup Requirements

This module currently only works completely on Ubuntu Precise and Trusty. Support for RedHat and CentOS 5,6 and 7 has been added for the new Collections and Puppet 4.x. The new puppet-agent and puppetserver are supported on Ubuntu, Centos and RedHat but a puppet master running under Passenger is only supported on Ubuntu.

I will be adding support for other operating systems when I get a chance. It also only configures puppet 3.6.x and 4.x If you need support for previous versions let me know.

Forge Module dependencies

###Beginning with puppet

The best way to begin is using the example profiles puppet::profile::agent and puppet::profile::master These profiles will setup agent and master nodes. I also have profiles for setting up R10K, puppetdb and puppetboard.


All interactions with puppet in done via the base classes puppet and puppet::master or the profiles I generally include the agent profile on all nodes and use hiera to setup the data. I have included some basic examples for setting up common settings on the agent or master.

###Basic setup of an agent

include '::puppet'

or include '::puppet::profile::agent'

Setup custom facts on an agent

class { '::puppet::profile::agent':
  custom_facts => {
    'data_centre' => 'office',
    'role'        => 'webserver',

Set a ca_server for your environment

class { '::puppet::profile::agent':
  ca_server => ''

Enable cfacter

class { '::puppet::profile::agent':
  cfacter => true

Use packages for repository management

class { '::puppet::profile::agent':
  manage_repo_method => 'package'

Disable repository management

class { '::puppet::profile::agent':
  manage_repos => false

Set allinone and puppet collection use on your infrastructure

class { '::puppet::profile::agent':
  allinone   => true,
  collection => 'PS1'

Set environment for the agent

class { '::puppet::profile::agent':
  environment => 'testenv'

Set use the new msgpack serialization format on an agent

class { '::puppet::profile::agent':
  preferred_serialization_format => 'msgpack'

###Basic setup of a puppet master

include '::puppet'
include '::puppet::master'

or include '::puppet::profile::agent' include '::puppet::profile::master' include '::puppet::profile::puppetdb' include '::puppet::profile::puppetboard' include '::puppet::profile::r10k'

to setup a master with all the features

Set basemodulepath for the master

class { '::puppet::profile::master':
  basemodulepath => '/opt/puppet_code/modules:/etc/puppet/modules'

Set ram for new puppet server on the master

class { '::puppet::profile::master':
  java_ram => '1532'

Set ram for new puppet server on the master

class { '::puppet::profile::master':
  java_ram => '1532M'

Setup basic autosigning

class { '::puppet::profile::master':
  autosign_method => 'file',
  autosign_domains => ['*','*'],


###Classes and Defined Types

In the near future I will be moving these docs into each class into a format suitable for to puppet-strings.

####[Public] Class: puppet #####Description The puppet class is responsible for validating some of our parameters, and instantiating the puppet::facts, puppet::repo, pupppet::install, puppet::config, and puppet::agent manifests. #####Parameters

  • allinone: (string Default: false)

    Whether to use the new collections

  • agent_cron_hour: (string Default: undef)

    The hour to run the agent cron. Valid values are 0-23

  • agent_cron_min: (string/array Default: two_times_an_hour)

This param accepts any value accepted by the cron native type, as well as two special options: two_times_an_hour, and four_times_an_hour. These specials use fqdn_rand to generate a random minute array on the selected interval. This should distribute the load more evenly on your puppetmasters.

  • agent_version: (string Default: installed)

    Declares the version of the puppet-agent all-in-one package to install.

  • ca_server: (string Default: undef)

    Server to use as the CA server for all agents.

  • cfacter: (bool Default: false)

    Whether or not to use cfacter instead of facter.

  • collection: (string Default: undef)

    Declares the collection repository to use.

  • custom_facts: (hash Default: undef)

    A hash of custom facts to setup using the ::puppet::facts define.

  • enabled: (bool Default: true)

    Used to determine if the puppet agent should be running

  • enable_devel_repo: (bool Default: false)

    This param will replace devel_repo in 2.x. It conveys to puppet::repo::apt whether or not to add the devel apt repo source. When devel_repo is false, enable_devel_repo is consulted for enablement. This gives devel_repo backwards compatibility at the cost of some confusion if you set devel_repo to true, and enable_devel_repo to false.

  • enable_repo: (bool Default true)

    if manage_repos is true, this determines whether or not the puppetlabs' repository should be present. This is not consulted in any way if manage_repos is false

  • enable_mechanism: (string Default: service)

    A toggle which permits the option of running puppet as a service, or as a cron job.

  • environment: (string Default: production)

    Sets the puppet environment

  • facter_version: (string Default: installed)

    Declares the version of facter to install.

  • hiera_version: (string Default: installed)

    Declares the version of hiera to install.

  • logdest: (string Default: undef)

    File to use a log file for agent.

  • manage_etc_facter (bool Default: true)

    Whether or not this module should manage the /etc/facter directory

  • manage_etc_facter_facts_d (bool Default: true)

    Whether or not this module should manage the /etc/facter/facts.d directory

  • manage_repos: (bool Default true)

    Whether or not we pay any attention to managing repositories. This is managed by only including puppet::repo subclass when true. The individual repo subclasses also will perform no action if included with this param set to false.

  • manage_repo_method: (string Default files)

    Sets the method for managing the repo files

  • preferred_serialization_format: (string Default: pson)

    The serialization format to use for communication with the puppet server.communicate with. WARNING: Setting this to msgpack is experimental! Please enable with care.

  • puppet_server: (string Default: puppet)

    The hostname or fqdn of the puppet server that the agent should communicate with.

  • puppet_version: (string Default: installed)

    The version of puppet to install

  • reports: (bool)

    Whether or not to send reports

  • runinterval: (string Default: 30m)

    Sets the runinterval in puppet.conf

  • show_diff: (bool Default: false)

    Whether to log and report a contextual diff when files are being replaced.

  • splay: (bool Default false)

    Sets the splay parameter in puppet.conf

  • splaylimit: (string Default: undef)

    Sets the splaylimit parameter in puppet.conf

  • structured_facts: (bool Default: false)

    Sets whether or not to enable structured_facts by setting the stringify_facts variable in puppet.conf.

    It is important to note that this boolean operates in reverse. Setting stringify_facts to false is required to permit structured facts. This is why this parameter does not directly correlate with the configuration key.

  • use_srv_records: (bool Default: 'false')

    Enables the use of srv_records for Puppetmaster/CA selection

  • srv_domain: (string Default: undef)

    Sets the srv_domain to use when use_srv_domains is set to true

  • pluginsource: (string Default: undef)

    Sets the pluginsource value in puppet.conf. Useful when using SRV records and agents on versions less than 4.0 (See

  • pluginfactsource: (string Default: undef)

    Sets the pluginfactsource value in puppet.conf. Useful when using SRV records and agents on versions less than 4.0 (See

####[Private] Class: puppet::agent #####Description The puppet::agent class is responsible for management of the of the agent service, and agent cronjob. depending on the


  • None

####[Private] Class: puppet::config #####Description The puppet::config class is responsible for altering the configuration of $confdir/puppet.conf. This is done via params which call ini_file resources to alter the related settings.


  • None

####[Public] Defined Type: puppet::fact #####Description

This defined type provides a mechanism to lay down fact files in /etc/facter/facts.d/ The title of the declared resource will dictate the name of the factname.yaml file laid down, as well as the keyname, and thus, the fact name.


  • ensure: (string Default: present)

Sets the ensure parameter's value on the file resource laid down.

  • value: (string No Default)

Sets the value of the specified custom fact.

####[Private] Class: puppet::facts #####Description

The puppet::facts class is responsible for ensuring that /etc/facter and /etc/facter/facts.d are present on the local system. It is additionally responsible for populating /etc/facter/facts.d/local.yaml with the Key/Value pairs declared in puppet::facts::custom_facts


  • custom_facts: (hash Default: undef)

This is a hash of custom facts. For each element in the hash, the key will be the fact name, and the value will, unsurprisingly, be the fact's value.

####[Private] Class: puppet::install


the puppet::install class is responsible for the puppet agent, hiera, and facter packages.


  • None

####[Public] Class: puppet::master


The puppet::master class is responsible for performing some input validation, and subsequently configuring a puppetmaster. This is done internally via the puppet::master::config, puppet::master::hiera, pupppet::master::install, and puppet::master::passenger manifests.


  • autosign: (bool Default: false)

Whether or not to enable autosign.

  • autosign_domains: (array Default: empty)

Array of domains to use for basic autosigning

  • autosign_file: (string Default: $confdir/autosign.conf)

File to use for basic autosigning

  • autosign_method: (string Default: file)

Method to use for autosign The default 'file' will use the $confdir/autosign.conf file to determine which certs to sign. This file is empty by default so autosigning will be effectively off 'on' will set the autosign variable to true and thus all certs will be signed. 'off' will set the autosign variable to false disabling autosign completely.

  • basemodulepath: (absolute path Default Puppet 4: ${codedir}/environments Default Puppet 3: /etc/puppet/environments)

The base directory path to have environments checked out into.

  • deep_merge_version: (string Default: installed)

The version of the deep_merge package to install.

  • env_owner: (string Default: puppet)

The user which should own hieradata and r10k repos

  • environmentpath: (absolute path Default Puppet 4: ${codedir}/modules:${confdir}/modules Default Puppet 3: ${confdir}/modules:/usr/share/puppet/modules)

The base directory path to have environments checked out into.

  • eyaml_keys: (bool Default: false)

Toggle whether or not to deploy eyaml keys

  • future_parser: (bool Default: false) Toggle to dictate whether or not to enable the future parser

  • hiera_backends: (hash Default Puppet 3: {'yaml' => { 'datadir' => '/etc/puppet/hiera/%{environment}',} } Default Puppet 4: {'yaml' => { 'datadir' => '$codedir/hieradata/%{environment}',} })

The backends to configure hiera to query.

  • hiera_eyaml_version: (string Default: installed)

The version of the hiera-eyaml package to install. It is important to note that the hiera-eyaml package will be installed via gem

  • hiera_hierarchy: (array Default: ['node/%{::clientcert}', 'env/%{::environment}', 'global'])

The hierarchy to configure hiera to use

  • hiera_merge_behavior: (string Default: undef)

The type of merge behaviour that should be used by hiera. Defaults to not being set.

  • hieradata_path: (absolute path Default Puppet 3: /etc/puppet/hiera Default Puppet 4: $codedir/hieradata)

The location to configure hiera to look for the hierarchy. This also impacts the puppet::master::modules module's deployment of your r10k hiera repo.

  • java_ram: (string Default: 2g)

Set the ram to use for the new puppetserver

  • manage_deep_merge_package: (bool Default: false)

Whether the deep_merge gem should be installed.

  • manage_hiera_eyaml_package: (bool Default: true)

Whether the hiera-eyaml gem should be installed.

  • passenger_max_pool_size: (string Default: 12)

Adjusts the apache::mod::passenger configuration to configure the specified max pool size.

  • passenger_max_requests: (string Default: 0)

Adjusts the apache::mod::passenger configuration to configure the specified max requests.

  • passenger_pool_idle_time: (string Default: 1500)

Adjusts the apache::mod::passenger configuration to configure the specified pool idle time

  • passenger_stat_throttle_rate: (string Default: 120)

Adjusts the apache::mod::passenger configuration to configure the specified stat throttle rate

  • puppet_fqdn: (string Default: $::fqdn)

Sets the namevar of the apache::vhost resource declared. It is also used to derive the ssl_cert and ssl_key parameters to the apache::vhost resource.

  • puppet_server: (string Default: $::fqdn)

Changing this does not appear to do anything.

  • puppet_version: (string Default: installed)

Specifies the version of the puppetmaster package to install

  • server_type: (string Default Puppet 4: puppetserver Default Puppet 4: passenger)

Specifies the type of server to use puppetserver is always used on Puppet 4

  • module_path: DEPRECATED (string Default: undef)

If this is set, it will be used to populate the basemodulepath parameter in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf. This does not impact environment.conf, which should live in your r10k environment repo.

  • pre_module_path: DEPRECATED (string Default: undef)

If set, this is prepended to the modulepath parameter if it is set and to a static modulepath list if modulepath is unspecified. A colon separator will be appended to the end of this if needed

  • r10k_version: DEPRECATED (string Default: undef)

Specifies the version of r10k to install. It is important to note that the r10k package will be installed via gem

####[Private] Class: puppet::master::config #####Description The puppet::master::config class is responsible for managing the master-specific configuration settings of puppet.conf


  • None

####[Private] Class: puppet::master::hiera #####Description

The puppet::master::hiera class is responsible for configuring hiera, optionally deploying eyaml encryption keys, and setting the ownership of the hieradata path.


  • None

####[Private] Class: puppet::master::install


The puppet::master::install class is responsible for installing the packages required to configure a puppetmaster.


  • None

####[Private] Class: puppet::master::passenger


The puppet::master::passenger class is responsible for instantiating the apache class, creating the apache vhost, and configuring passenger.

On Trusty, We need to be able to set SSLCARevocationCheck in apache 2.4+ to enable revocation checks for client certs. According to the Official puppetlabs docs on passenger: Apache 2.4 introduces the SSLCARevocationCheck directive and sets it to none which effectively disables CRL checking. If you are using Apache 2.4+ you must specify 'SSLCARevocationCheck chain' to actually use the CRL.


  • None

####[Private] Class: puppet::repo


This class is responsible for including the proper package repository subclass. This is done based on the osfamily fact.

  • None

####[Private] Class: puppet::repo::apt


This class is responsible for optionally managing the presence of the puppetlabs apt repositories. It consults the $::puppet::manage_repos param to decide if it should perform any action. If it should, it references $::puppet::enable_repo


  • None

####[Private] Class: puppet::repo::yum


This class is responsible for optionally managing the presence of the puppetlabs yum repositories. It consults the $::puppet::manage_repos param to decide if it should perform any action. If it should, it references $::puppet::enable_repo


  • None


It only supports an agent setup on RedHat and CentOS at this stage. Passenger is only supported on Ubuntu


Development and testing team consists of @rendhalver and @wolfspyre. The module gets extensive testing in Abstract IT and it's clients environments. Pull requests are welcome.


##Release Notes/Etc

Check the for release notes and bug fixes. It's a bit sparse right now and only contains the public releases.