React component for NVD3 re-usable charting library
- NVD3
- D3
- ReactJS
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- SCRIPTS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- You should remove this for production and provide a compiled version of react components -->
<script src="react-nvd3/dist/react-nvd3.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<style type="text/css">
#barChart svg {
height: 400px;
<div id="barChart"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
var datum = [{
key: "Cumulative Return",
values: [
"label" : "A" ,
"value" : -29.765957771107
} ,
"label" : "B" ,
"value" : 0
} ,
"label" : "C" ,
"value" : 32.807804682612
} ,
"label" : "D" ,
"value" : 196.45946739256
} ,
"label" : "E" ,
"value" : 0.19434030906893
} ,
"label" : "F" ,
"value" : -98.079782601442
} ,
"label" : "G" ,
"value" : -13.925743130903
} ,
"label" : "H" ,
"value" : -5.1387322875705
<NVD3Chart id="barChart" type="discreteBarChart" datum={datum} x="label" y="value"/>,
- Using bower and running
bower install react-nvd3
- Using npm and running
npm install react-nvd3
- Downloading it manually by clicking here to download minified version
<NVD3Chart id="barChart" type="discreteBarChart" datum={datum} x="label" y="value"/>
Chart type you want to use. Posible values are:
- lineChart
- scatterChart
- stackedAreaChart
- discreteBarChart
- multiBarChart
- multiBarHorizontalChart
- linePlusBarChart
- cumulativeLineChart
- lineWithFocusChart
- pieChart
- bulletChart
- indentedTree
A collection of data or a function that returns it.
The key in the collection that should be used as x value or a function that returns it:
function getX(d){
return d.label;
<NVD3Chart id="barChart" type="discreteBarChart" datum={datum} x={getX} y="value"/>,
The key in the collection that should be used as y value or a function that returns it.
To set chart margins you should provide an object with the wanted margins. For example
<NVD3Chart id="barChart" type="discreteBarChart" datum={datum} margin={{left:200}}/>,
A function to be called right after the first transition ends. This event is triggered only once.
A function to be called each time the chart rendering starts.
A function to be called each time the chart transition ends.
ready={mycallbackReady} />,
All the nvd3 configurations for each chart are available. For example if you are using the discreteBarChart then you could show values in this way:
<NVD3Chart id="barChart" type="discreteBarChart" showValues="true" datum={datum} x="x" y="value"/>,
For more information about the available options you could check the nvd3 documentation
NOTICE: An extensive documentation with examples is embeded in the repository . If you want to check it just clone it and open that file.
If you need to configure nested nvd3 components you need to pass a nested object with the configurations to the property that match with the nested component.
Suppose you need to disable tooltips in your charts:
<NVD3Chart tooltip={{enabled: true}} id="barChart" type="discreteBarChart" showValues="true" datum={datum} x="x" y="value"/>,
In this case we are passing the nested object to configure the tooltip. This is also applicable to axis components.
Since react allow you to use a plain javascript syntax to pass props then you could do this:
var chart = {
datum: datum,
x: 'label',
y: 'value'
React.createElement('NVD3Chart', chart),
Or this:
// I've included jQuery here because I want to simplify the code, but it's not required.
React.createElement('NVD3Chart', chart),
Formatters are functions and we don't want to stored them in a database. If you want to persist your chart state somewhere you need to have a plain json object.
Instead of persist your function implementations in your json you need to create a reference from the json object and pass those functions by context at the moment you instantiate the chart.
Suppose you have a function called getColor to assign the colors in your charts. In this case you'll need to create a context object with the getColor function implementation inside and pass the reference to the color property.
Function references have this format: {name:'functionNameInContext', type:'function'}
Let's see an example:
var context = {
getColor: function(i){
var colors = d3.scale.category20().range().slice(10);
return colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];
<NVD3Chart context={context} color={{name:'getColor', type:'function'}} type="discreteBarChart" datum={datum} x="label" y="value" />,
Source code is pretty straightforward. You can take a look at
- nodejs
- webpack
- gulp
- git clone
- cd react-nvd3
- npm install
- gulp serve
- open any example http://localhost:3000/examples/barChart/