These are my dotfiles that I use. They are setup primarily around Terminal Vim, ITerm2, and Tmux.
There is a little bit of specific initial setup to get things working smoothly.
- Make sure you have the latest vim, tmux, and iterm2
brew install tmux
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace " not sure if this is still needed
brew tap thoughtbot/formulae
brew install rcm
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd $HOME
RCRC=.dotfiles/rcrc rcup
I installed the solarized colorscheme. Vim and tmux have the corresponding color schemes setup as well.
- Download it here:
- I configured two seperate profiles. One for light and one for dark. I often switch between them based on day or night to combat glare. Tmux makes it very easy to switch without losing a beat.
** CMD-O, select new profile. Then run
tmux attach
and you are good to go. Vim is also configured with a shortcut to switch between light and dark themes - Make sure you setup the profile to 'Report Terminal Type: xterm-256color' under "Profiles" / "Terminal". This helps address vim color issues in terminal.
A lot of this setup is summarized nicely and stolen from here: