A LimeSurvey question theme that uses the signature_pad js library (MIT Licence) to allow for the display of a signature pad as a variation of the LimeSurvey short-free-text type question, and to store the signature as PNG Data URI
Compatible with LimeSurvey versions 3.x,4.x,5.x,6.x
- Download the latest release (ensure you download the latest release ZIP file, not the "Source code" ZIP file)
- Visit the "Configuration" -> "Themes" -> "Question theme" in the LimeSurvey GUI
- Click on "Upload and Install" and browse to the latest release download, and click on "Upload".
- Create a new question and choose the "Signature Pad" type (under "Text questions") - (note due to a LimeSurvey bug, the preview of short free text question will appear instead)
- You can display the signature in a subsequent question as an image by the following HTML/Expression Manager code:
<img src="{signature}"/>
- Download the latest release (ensure you download the latest release ZIP file, not the "Source code" ZIP file)
- Extract the files and place the signature folder in the upload/themes/question folder of LimeSurvey
- Create a new "Short free style" text question and change the "Question theme" to "signature". The question code can be anything, but for this example, use: signature
- A signature element will now display instead of a text box for entry.
- You can display the signature in a subsequent question as an image by the following HTML/Expression Manager code:
<img src="{signature}"/>
Author: Adam Zammit [email protected] Repo: https://www.github.com/adamzammit/LimeSurvey-Signature-Question