The Watchy e-paper driver used in wable
With embedded-hal-bus
to provide the ExclusiveDevice
implementation of SpiDevice
use embedded_hal_bus::spi::ExclusiveDevice;
use esp_backtrace as _;
use esp_hal::{
gpio::{Input, Io, Level, Output, Pull},
spi::{master::Spi, SpiMode},
use fugit::HertzU32;
use wepd::{DelayWaiter, Display, DisplayConfiguration};
fn main() -> ! {
let peripherals = Peripherals::take();
let system = SystemControl::new(peripherals.SYSTEM);
let clocks = ClockControl::max(system.clock_control).freeze();
let delay = Delay::new(&clocks);
let io = Io::new(peripherals.GPIO, peripherals.IO_MUX);
// Watchy V2 display pins
let mosi = io.pins.gpio23; // 23: Master-Out/Slave-In
let cs = io.pins.gpio5; // 5: Chip Select
let rst = io.pins.gpio9; // 9: Reset
let busy = io.pins.gpio19; // 19: Busy
let sclk = io.pins.gpio18; // 18: Serial Clock
let dc = io.pins.gpio10; // 10: Direct Current
// Watchy V3 display pins
let mosi = io.pins.gpio48; // 48: Master-Out/Slave-In
let cs = io.pins.gpio33; // 33: Chip Select
let rst = io.pins.gpio35; // 35: Reset
let busy = io.pins.gpio36; // 36: Busy
let sclk = io.pins.gpio47; // 47: Serial Clock
let dc = io.pins.gpio34; // 34: Direct Current
let bus = Spi::new(
let mut display = Display::new(DisplayConfiguration {
spi: ExclusiveDevice::new(bus, Output::new(cs, Level::High), delay).unwrap(),
dc: Output::new(dc, Level::High),
rst: Output::new(rst, Level::High),
busy: Input::new(busy, Pull::None),
busy_wait: DelayWaiter::new(delay)
.draw_image(include_bytes!("../image.bin"), 0, 0, 200, 200)
loop {}
Make sure to have the embedded-graphics
feature flag set. For embedded graphics BinaryColor::Off
is a black pixel and BinaryColor::On
is a white pixel on the display.
//Creates a frame buffer for embedded graphics
let mut fb = wepd::Framebuffer::new();
//Create your embedded text
let style = MonoTextStyle::new(&ascii::FONT_10X20, BinaryColor::Off);
Text::new("Hello world", Point { x: 5, y: 15 }, style)
.draw(&mut fb)
//Write the frame buffer to the display struct made earlier
fb.flush(&mut display).unwrap();
//Creates a frame buffer for embedded graphics
let mut fb = wepd::Framebuffer::new();
//Have bmp under 200x200 pixels in your project directory and include it
let bmp_data = include_bytes!("../ferris.bmp");
let bmp: Bmp<BinaryColor> = Bmp::from_slice(bmp_data).unwrap();
Image::new(&bmp, Point::new(50, 50)).draw(&mut fb).unwrap();
//Write the frame buffer to the display struct made earlier
fb.flush(&mut display).unwrap();
This was a quick port from my original implementation that directly used APIs exposed by esp-hal