Light colorscheme for gvim, macvim and neovim.
Main features:
- 256 color terminal support
- 24-bit color terminal support
- Support for several plugins
Optimized for the following languages:
- C/C++
- HTML (+ Django, JavaScript)
- Java
- LaTeX
- Python
- Ruby
- Vim
Add this to your vimrc:
Plug '' colorscheme grimmjow
Restart Vim
Add this to your vimrc:
Bundle '' colorscheme grimmjow set background=light
Restart Vim
Make sure your terminal supports 256 colors
In addition to the installation, add this to your vimrc:
set t_Co=256 " in case t_Co alone doesn't work, add this as well: let &t_AB="\e[48;5;%dm" let &t_AF="\e[38;5;%dm"
To configure vim to use 24-bit colors use this config on .vimrc:
if (has('termguicolors'))
set termguicolors
Explicitly supported plugins:
- ale
- bufexplorer
- clever-f.vim
- ctrlp.vim
- ctrlsf.vim
- eclim
- jedi-vim
- keepeye.vim
- nerdtree
- quickfixsigns_vim
- rainbow
- tagbar
- undotree
- vim-bookmarks
- vim-clap
- vim-easymotion
- vim-indent-guides
- vim-matchmaker
- vim-minimap
- vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight
- vim-plugin-minibufexpl
- vim-signify
- vim-sneak
- vim-startify
- vim-which-key
The following colorschemes were influential for this theme: vim-kalisi, blackboard, github, molokai, pyte and winter.
Thanks to, which helped greatly in bringing 256 color terminal support to this colorscheme!
It contains only theme for light background. The default colorscheme is light, as is Vims default setting, if you don't set the background manually.
Suggestions for improving support for other programming languages and plugins are welcome!
This colorscheme is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.