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Releases: adobe-uxp/devtools-cli

UXP Developer Tools CLI 1.5.1

09 Feb 08:26
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Release Candidate CLI Build: v1.5.1

UXP Devtools CLI 1.5.1

  • How to Install
  • What's New
    • A new command is now available for plugin developer to run automated UI tests on UXP Plugins - uxp plugin test . The tests can be written using standard web automation frameworks like WebDriverIO and UDT CLI gives you a way to run these in an Adobe App.
    • Minor Bug Fixes
  • Software Requirement
  • Platforms
    • Mac OS version (Intel: >= 10.15)
    • Windows 10(Intel Only)
    • ARM support not available and is WIP.
  • Known Issues:
    • uxp devtools disable command needs to be terminated explicitly
    • DevTools is currently focussed on 3P workflows. There are a few issues with debugging of 1P plugins like CCX HomeScreen, Cmd+n due to the way these plugins are loaded.

For all available CLI commands, refer:

UXP Devtools CLI 1.2.0

03 Mar 08:19
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Release Candidate CLI Build: v1.2.0.5

UXP Devtools CLI:

This is the first UXP Devtools CLI release.

a) This build supports all functionality provided in UDT App
b) Enabled support for both XD and PS
Mac : Supported on XD 36 and above
UWP: Supported on upcoming XD 38 release and above
c) For all available CLI commands, refer :

System Requirement:
Mac OS version >= 10.13.6
Windows 10

Known Issues:
DevTools is currently focussed on 3P workflows. There are a few issues with debugging of 1P plugins like CCX HomeScreen, Cmd+n due to the way these plugins are loaded.


13 Jul 20:42
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v1.1.1 Pre-release

This release contains a fix for the issue where the uxp-inspect-app was not building while running yarn install.

Software Requirements:

  • Node version >=10.0.0
  • Yarn version >= 1.5.0
  • Git
  • Enable ScriptDeveloper mode in Photoshop from Preferences >> Technology previews >> ScriptDeveloper
  • Enable Developer mode in Windows (Settings > Update & Security > For Developers > Developer Mode)

Known Issues:

  • (UXP-13576) When a breakpoint is hit, the Inspector window is not coming into focus.
  • (UXP-13502) Manifest validation is very basic in the current build. More validations will come in later builds.
  • (UXP-13504) Only one instance of UXP Developer tools service should be launched.
  • (UXP-14061) Git has to be installed on the user machine before running yarn install
  • Icons will not load when launched using the devtools.
  • Plugin bundle and data paths are not available when using the devtools. (plugin://, plugin-data://)
  • uxp plugin log path shows homescreen plugin path.

Steps to use:

  • Download "Source" on your local machine
  • Extract it to some directory
  • Cd into the directory and run yarn install
    Now you should be able to use uxp commands from the terminal

(Note: On Windows you may need to refer to uxp with the full path (or add it to your path). For example, on my machine: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Yarn\bin\uxp plugin load


02 Jun 16:38
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v1.1.0 Pre-release

This release contains supports for following UXP developer tools commands in windows:

  1. Plugin initialization
  2. Plugin loading
  3. Plugin reloading
  4. Plugin debug and self-hosted CDT
  5. Host discovery command
  6. Foundation commands for enabling/disabling and starting devtools service

Build details:

  • Devtools is currently enabled in Photoshop which integrates UXP 3.8.24 or above.

Software Requirements:

  1. Node version >=10.0.0
  2. Yarn version >= 1.5.0
  3. Enable ScriptDeveloper mode in Photoshop from Preferences >> Technology previews >> ScriptDeveloper

Known Issues:

  1. (UXP-13501) Photoshop modules are not loaded when issuing successive load command for same plugin. Use reload for reloading the plugin in same session or relaunch PS and load plugin.
  2. (UXP-13576) When a breakpoint is hit, Inspector window is not coming into focus.
  3. (UXP-13502) Manifest validation is very basic in current build.More validations will come in later builds.
  4. (UXP-13504) Only one instance of UXP Developer tools service should be launched.

Steps to use:

Download "Source" on your local machine
Extract it to some directory
Cd into directory and run yarn install
Now you should be able to use uxp commands from terminal


For macOS, there is a bug where uxp service start won't work if devtools hasn't been enabled before. If you can a permissions error about a path, use the following steps to work around it manually.

  • Navigate to /Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/Developer
  • Create a new file called settings.json (this will require sudo). I use vi, but any editor will do.

Inside this file, put:

        "developer": true

Devtools 1.0.2

04 May 22:10
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Devtools 1.0.2 Pre-release

This release contains the following UXP developer tools commands :
1. Plugin initialization
2. Plugin loading
3. Plugin reloading
4. Plugin debug and self-hosted CDT
5. Plugin logs
6. Host discovery command
7. Foundation commands for enabling/disabling and starting devtools service

Build details:
Devtools is currently enabled in Photoshop which integrates UXP 3.8.24 or above.
Photoshop build:

Software Requirements:
1. Node version >=10.0.0
2. Yarn version >= 1.5.0
3. Enable ScriptDeveloper mode in Photoshop from Preferences >> Technology previews >> ScriptDeveloper

Known Issues:
1. (UXP-13501) Photoshop modules are not loaded when issuing successive load command for same plugin. Use reload for reloading the plugin in same session or relaunch PS and load plugin
2. (UXP-13589)This build has support for UXP developer tools only on mac. Windows support is work in progress.
3. (UXP-13576) When a breakpoint is hit, Inspector window is not coming into focus.
4. (UXP-13502) Manifest validation is very basic in current build.More validations will come in later builds.
5. (UXP-13504) Only one instance of UXP Developer tools service should be launched.
6. (UXP-13648) Sources are not being loaded intermittenly in inspector tool.

Steps to use:

  1. Download "Source" on your local machine
  2. Extract it to some directory
  3. Cd into directory and run yarn install
  4. Now you should be able to use uxp commands from terminal