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A simple node package to convert ical data to json


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A simple node package to convert iCal data (.ics file) to JSON format

Tests codecov

Getting started

Download and install from npm

npm install -g ical2json

To convert ics file to json

$ ical2json ./US-Holiday.ics

The json output will be written to a .json file in the same directory


To write the output to a separate directory, use the -o or --output-dir option

$ ical2json --output-dir ~/destination/directory ./US-Holiday.ics

File output:

      "PRODID": "-//Calendar Labs//Calendar 1.0//EN",
      "VERSION": "2.0",
      "METHOD": "PUBLISH",
      "X-WR-CALNAME": "Usa Holidays",
      "X-WR-TIMEZONE": "America/New_York",
      "VEVENT": [
          "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE": "20130101",
          "DTEND;VALUE=DATE": "20130102",
          "DTSTAMP": "20111213T124028Z",
          "UID": "[email protected]",
          "CREATED": "20111213T123901Z",
          "DESCRIPTION": "Visit http",
          "LAST-MODIFIED": "20111213T123901Z",
          "LOCATION": "",
          "SEQUENCE": "0",
          "STATUS": "CONFIRMED",
          "SUMMARY": "New Year's Day",
          "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE": "20130121",
          "DTEND;VALUE=DATE": "20130122",
          "DTSTAMP": "20111213T124028Z",
          "UID": "[email protected]",
          "CREATED": "20111213T123901Z",
          "DESCRIPTION": "Visit http",
          "LAST-MODIFIED": "20111213T123901Z",
          "LOCATION": "",
          "SEQUENCE": "0",
          "STATUS": "CONFIRMED",
          "SUMMARY": "M L King Day",
          "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE": "20130214",
          "DTEND;VALUE=DATE": "20130215",
          "DTSTAMP": "20111213T124028Z",
          "UID": "[email protected]",
          "CREATED": "20111213T123901Z",
          "DESCRIPTION": "Visit http",
          "LAST-MODIFIED": "20111213T123901Z",
          "LOCATION": "",
          "SEQUENCE": "0",
          "STATUS": "CONFIRMED",
          "SUMMARY": "Valentine's Day",


  Usage: ical2json [options] [FILES...]

    -V, --version            output the version number
    -r, --revert             Revert JSON to ical
    -o, --output-dir <path>  Output directory
    -h, --help               display help for command

Programmatic API

var ical2json = require("ical2json");

// From ical to JSON
var output = ical2json.convert(icalData);

// From JSON to ical
var icalOutput = ical2json.revert(icalJson);