An experimental software community with a 199X aesthetic.
To join, submit a pull request with your public key at users/<you>/authorized_keys
$ # Fork repo on GitHub
$ git clone<you>/
$ cd
$ # Generate key pair (or use an existing key)
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_rwrs
$ # Add pub key to repo
$ mkdir users/<you> # Note: <you> should be <= 10 chars
$ cp ~/.ssh/ users/<you>/authorized_keys
$ git add users/<you>/authorized_keys
$ git commit -m 'add user <you>'
$ git push
$ # Visit<you>/
$ # Create pull request and wait until merged
$ # ...
$ # After ~10 minutes, account is auto-created
$ # Login!
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_rwrs <you>
$ # Set your motd
$ echo hello users >~/motd
$ # Make your web page at<you>
$ mkdir ~/public_html
$ echo hello internet >~/public_html/index.html
$ # Idle in IRC
$ # Want a new feature? Feel free to submit PRs
$ # Enjoy
In quasi-nostalgic fashion, also supports CGI-like web apps if you want to go beyond static HTML. Below is an example of a CGI-like PHP app, but you can use whatever language you wish.
adsr@rwrs:~$ cat ~/.config/systemd/user/proxy.service
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'socat UNIX-LISTEN:$HOME/public_html/proxy.sock,fork,perm-early=0666 "SYSTEM:timeout 2 $HOME/proxy"'
adsr@rwrs:~$ ls -l ~/proxy
-rwxr-xr-x 1 adsr adsr 229 Dec 23 22:51 /home/adsr/proxy
adsr@rwrs:~$ cat proxy
#!/usr/bin/env php
require '/usr/share/lib/php/http.php';
http_handle(function($request, $set_code_fn, $set_header_fn) {
$set_header_fn('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
adsr@rwrs:~$ systemctl --user daemon-reload
adsr@rwrs:~$ systemctl --user start proxy
adsr@rwrs:~$ systemctl --user status proxy
● proxy.service
Loaded: loaded (/home/adsr/.config/systemd/user/proxy.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-12-23 22:56:46 UTC; 2s ago
Main PID: 29686 (socat)
CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/[email protected]/proxy.service
└─29686 socat UNIX-LISTEN:/home/adsr/public_html/proxy.sock,fork,perm-early=0666 SYSTEM:timeout 2 /home/adsr/proxy
adsr@rwrs:~$ curl -s 'localhost/~adsr/proxy/test'
[headers] => Array
[host] => adsr
[user-agent] => curl/7.68.0
[accept] => */*
[x-forwarded-for] => ::1
[x-forwarded-host] => localhost
[x-forwarded-server] => default
[connection] => Keep-Alive
[content] =>
[verb] => GET
[uri] => /~adsr/proxy/test
[protocol] => HTTP/1.1
[uri_parts] => Array
[path] => /~adsr/proxy/test
[params] => Array
adsr@rwrs:~$ curl -s -X POST -d 'param=1' 'localhost/~adsr/proxy/test'
[headers] => Array
[host] => adsr
[user-agent] => curl/7.68.0
[accept] => */*
[content-type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[x-forwarded-for] => ::1
[x-forwarded-host] => localhost
[x-forwarded-server] => default
[content-length] => 7
[connection] => Keep-Alive
[content] => param=1
[verb] => POST
[uri] => /~adsr/proxy/test
[protocol] => HTTP/1.1
[uri_parts] => Array
[path] => /~adsr/proxy/test
[params] => Array
[param] => 1
Due to abuse, only GitHub accounts with some sort of legit activity will be accepted. If you don't have any GitHub activity, please link to your GitHub account from some other established identity (e.g., another tilde host, GitLab, a personal web site, etc.) and make a note of such in your PR. For genuine beginners with no established identity, or people wishing to preserve anonymity, I apologize. Unfortunately scammers have used this service for spam and other crap, which has almost resulted in the hosting provider terminating us. ↩