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A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.


The Nest.js Boilerplate is a foundational template designed to accelerate the development of scalable and efficient server-side applications. It incorporates commonly used packages, best practices, and modular architecture, making it easy to extend and adapt for various use cases.

This boilerplate is a perfect starting point for building modern, efficient, and maintainable applications with Nest.js.

Module Pattern

Module Pattern

Project setup

Copy the example environment configuration file to .env:

$ cp .env.example .env

Install all required Node.js packages:

$ npm install


# Database
DB_LOG = false
DB_SYNC = true
DB_MODE = alter
DB_TIME = +00:00

# Security: API Key

# Security: Blacklist

# Security: JWT
JWT_AUTH = true
JWT_SECRET = NestjsBoilerplate

# Storage: Disk

# Storage: AWS S3

# Storage: Google Cloud

Environment Configuration Overview

Name Description
DB_LOG Enables or disables database logging.
DB_SYNC Enables or disables database synchronization. When set to true, the application will synchronize its state with the database.
DB_MODE Specifies the mode of database operation. The options are:
- alter: Modifies the database schema without dropping existing data.
- force: Forces the database to drop existing tables and recreate them, resulting in data loss.
DB_TIME Specifies the time zone for the database. The value +00:00 represents UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), ensuring that time-related data is stored in a consistent, universal time format across different environments.
API_KEY_AUTH Enables or disables API key authentication. When set to true, requests must include a valid API key.
API_KEY_AUTH_KEY_NAME Specifies the header name that will carry the API key for authentication. The default is X-API-KEY, which should be used in requests.
BLACKLIST_ENABLE Activates the blacklist feature. When set to true, clients can be blacklisted based on specific criteria.
DEVICE_ID_KEY_NAME Defines the header name used to transmit the Device ID when implementing the blacklist feature. The default is X-DEVICE-ID.
JWT_AUTH Enables or disables JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. When true, the application will require JWT for secure access.
JWT_SECRET Specifies the secret key used to sign and verify JWT tokens, ensuring their integrity and authenticity. This key should be kept confidential.
JWT_EXPIRATION Sets the duration for which JWT tokens remain valid. The format is in duration format, such as 4h for four hours.
DISK_STORAGE_ROOT Specifies the root directory for local disk storage. This needs to be set to define where files will be stored.
S3_ENDPOINT The endpoint for your S3 storage service. Must be configured to enable interaction with the S3 bucket.
S3_REGION Indicates the AWS region where the S3 bucket is located. Necessary for proper connectivity and access.
S3_ACCESS_KEY The access key required for authenticating requests to your S3 storage. Ensure it is kept secure.
S3_SECRET_KEY The secret key used alongside the access key to authenticate and authorize access to your S3 bucket. Keep it confidential.
S3_BUCKET Specifies the name of the S3 bucket where files will be stored. Must be configured for storage functionality.
GCLOUD_KEY_FILE Points to the JSON key file used for authenticating with Google Cloud services. Critical for accessing Google Cloud Storage.
GCLOUD_BUCKET Defines the name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket to use for storing files.

Database Migration & Seeding

Run migrations :

$ npx sequelize-cli db:migrate --name 1.0.0-base.js

Run the demo seeder.

$ npx sequelize-cli db:seed --seed demo

Run the production seeder.

$ npx sequelize-cli db:seed --seed start

Compile and run the project

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod

Run tests

# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


Nest is MIT licensed.