Awesoness, in a terminal cli :
$ npm install -g hvn
running command...
$ hvn (-v|--version|version)
hvn/2.1.7 darwin-x64 node-v8.11.3
$ hvn --help [COMMAND]
hvn command
hvn deploy
hvn editor
hvn hello
hvn help [COMMAND]
hvn helpme
hvn howdoi
hvn joke
hvn run
hvn task
hvn weather
Lets you get information about common commands you'd want to run like find/zip
``` USAGE $ hvn commandDESCRIPTION ... It's amazing
_See code: [src/commands/command.js](
## `hvn deploy`
hvn command // will run command promp
USAGE $ hvn deploy
DESCRIPTION ... An easy way to run any of your npm scripts with yarn
_See code: [src/commands/deploy.js](
## `hvn editor`
Edit any file just like in a real ide!
USAGE $ hvn editor
DESCRIPTION ... Just type hvn editor FILE Default keybindings Quit: Ctrl+Q Movement: mouse or arrow keys and PageUp/Down/Home/End Shift or click+drag to select, Ctrl/Alt to move faster Save: Ctrl+S Undo: Ctrl+Z, redo: Ctrl+Y List open tabs: Ctrl+L Next/previous tab: Ctrl+Alt+PageUp/Down Close tab: Ctrl+W Find: Ctrl+F Go to line: Ctrl+G Go to matching bracket: Ctrl+] Open: Ctrl+O (or click the filebrowser) New file: Ctrl+N
_See code: [src/commands/editor.js](
## `hvn hello`
Describe the command here
USAGE $ hvn hello
OPTIONS -n, --name=name name to print
DESCRIPTION ... Extra documentation goes here
_See code: [src/commands/hello.js](
## `hvn help [COMMAND]`
display help for hvn
USAGE $ hvn help [COMMAND]
ARGUMENTS COMMAND command to show help for
OPTIONS --all see all commands in CLI
_See code: [@oclif/plugin-help](
## `hvn helpme`
Describe the command here
USAGE $ hvn helpme
DESCRIPTION ... Extra documentation goes here
_See code: [src/commands/helpme.js](
## `hvn howdoi`
hvn command // will run command promp
USAGE $ hvn howdoi
DESCRIPTION ... An easy way to run any of your npm scripts with yarn
_See code: [src/commands/howdoi.js](
## `hvn joke`
hvn command // will run command promp
USAGE $ hvn joke
DESCRIPTION ... An easy way to run any of your npm scripts with yarn
_See code: [src/commands/joke.js](
## `hvn run`
hvn command // will run command promp
USAGE $ hvn run
DESCRIPTION ... An easy way to run any of your npm scripts with yarn
_See code: [src/commands/run.js](
## `hvn task`
hvn command // will run command promp
USAGE $ hvn task
DESCRIPTION ... An easy way to run any of your npm scripts with yarn
_See code: [src/commands/task.js](
## `hvn weather`
hvn command // will run command promp
USAGE $ hvn weather
DESCRIPTION ... An easy way to run any of your npm scripts with yarn
_See code: [src/commands/weather.js](
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