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hiatus is a localization QA tool. Reads various bilingual file formats, runs checks and reports errors detected.
For more details, please see

Check Items

  • Glossary
    When a glossary source term found in a source segment, checks if corresponding glossary target term exists in a target segment. RegExp supported.

  • Search Source or Target Text (Defined as monolingual)
    Loads expressions from the list, and report errors if the expressions found in a segment. You can choose which segment to search (source or target). RegExp supported.

  • Inconsistency
    Checks inconsistencies in two ways - Source to Target & Target to Source

  • Numbers
    Detects numbers in source but NOT in target.

  • TTX, XLZ, SDLXLIFF Tag Check
    Detects missing or added internal tags.

  • Length
    Length of source and target segments are different more/less than +/- 50%

  • Skipped Translation
    Reports errors if a target segment is blank.

  • Identical Translation
    Reports errors if source and target segments are same

  • Alphanumeric Strings in Target but NOT in Source (Defined as unsourced)
    Effective only when target is non-Alphabet language (i.e. Japanese, Chinese, Korean...).

  • Alphanumeric Strings in Source but NOT in Target (Defined as unsourced_rev)
    Effective only when source is non-Alphabet language (i.e. Japanese, Chinese, Korean...).

  • Software
    Checks if 1) Hotkeys (i.e. &A, _A), 2) Missing/Added variables (i.e. %s, %d), and 3) '...' at the end (i.e. Save As...) are consistent between source and target segments.

  • Spell
    Spell check using GNU Aspell library.

Supported Bilingual File Formats

  • XLZ (Idiom)
  • TTX
  • TMX
  • TXT (tab-separated file)
  • CSV (LocStudio dump by CSVDump add-in)
  • XLS/XLSX (By default, read as column A = Source, column B = Target, column C = Comment)
  • RTF/DOC/DOCX (Trados format bilingual)
  • TBX


  • hiatus can automatically convert dictionary form into possible active forms for English (Optional).
    Example: Converts write into RegExp (?:write|writes|writing|wrote|written).
  • Auto-detect encoding with chardet2 library to prevent garbled character issues.
  • Simple output report (XLS). Easy to filter.
  • Can suppress known false errors by specifying Ignore List.
  • Source code is published here. You can modify as you like if you want.


  • Do NOT copy anything while hiatus is running.
    hiatus uses clipboard while reading XLSX/DOC files (including reading XLS Ignore list).
    When you use these functions, leave clipboard during execution. Do not perform any copy operations.
  • Ignore list does not work correctly in some cases (See "About Ignore List" for details)


Ruby 1.9.2, 1.9.3 or 2.0.0
Windows XP, Windows 7
*hiatus is tested only in JA and EN environment. However, it might work correctly on other languages as chardet2 library is implemented to support various encodings.


  1. Install Ruby 2.0.0. Check on tk option on installation
  2. Install GNU Aspell (Mac, Win) and dictionaries you need.
  3. Add 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Aspell\bin' to your environmental variable PATH.
  4. On 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Aspell\bin', copy aspell-15.dll and save it as aspell.dll. Also save pspell-15.dll as pspell.dll.
  5. Start command prompt and run following commands
    gem install nokogiri
    gem install zip
    gem install ffi
    gem install ffi-aspell
    gem install chardet2

How to use hiatus?

Fill in necessary fields on config.yaml, and run hiatus.rb.
Then error report will be generated.

####About config.yaml

   bilingual: Folder path of the target bilingual files (including subfolders)  
   output: Folder path of the output report  
   report: Format of the output report (Currently, only xls)  
   source: Source Language  
   target: Target Language  
   glossary: Folder path of the Glossary files (including subfolders)
   monolingual: Folder path of the Monolingual files (including subfolders) 

check: Choose true or false for each check.
   glossary: true  
   inconsistency_s2t: true  
   inconsistency_t2s: true  
   missingtag: true  
   skip: true  
   identical: false   
   monolingual: true  
   numbers: true  
   unsourced: true  
   unsourced_rev: true   
   length: false 
   software: true 
   spell: true 

   filter_by: For XLZ - Only when the "Note" value is same as this value, the entry will be checked. Other entries will be skipped.   
   ignore100: true/false. For TTX/XLZ/SDLXLIFF, when true, 100% match will be skipped.  
   ignoreICE: true/false. For XLZ/SDLXLIFF, when true, ICE match will be skipped.  
   ignorelist: Path to the ignore list (XLSX file)

About Ignore List

You can skip known false errors by specifying ignore list.
Open the hiatus report (XLSX file) and mark ignore in "Fixed?" column (column M), and save it as XML spreadsheet 2003 format.
Then specify the full path of the XML file in the ignoreList field. Use semicolon to specify multiple files.
For example:

   ignorelist: Y:\Sample_files\130412_report.xml  
   ignorelist: Y:\Sample_files\130412_report.xml;Y:\Sample_files\130522_report.xml  

Then, marked errors will not reported next time.

You can specify XLSX (or CSV file) in ignoreList field, however, it is not recommended as reading XLSX file is unstable. XML file is recommended.

How to create Glossary file?

See the following instructions and the sample files in !Sample_files folder.

Glossary File Format

Four-Column TAB delimited Text
UTF-8 without BOM is recommended (Encoding is automatically detected by chardet)


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Source Target Option Comment
Column Description
Source Glossary source term. RegExp supported. Required
Target Glossary target term. RegExp supported. Required
Option Conversion option. Required
Comment Comment. Optional

About Options

Available options are combination of followings

Option Description
i ignore case + Auto Conversion
m multiline + Auto Conversion
e extended + Auto Conversion
z No Conversion + No RegExp + Case-Insensitive
Blank No Conversion + No RegExp + Case-Sensitive (= As is)
Prefix #
#<X> Auto Conversion OFF. When you use your own RegExp, add # at the beginning of the option field


Server	 サーバー	z
(?:node|nodes)	ノード	#i	ノードの訳に注意
import(?:ing)	インポート	#i
Japan	日本		JapanはCase-sensitive
run	走る	i	
(?<!start¥-|end¥-)point	点	#i	Feedback No.2

You can try Ruby RegExp on rubular.
RegExp is based on onigumo, see Ruby 2.0.0 reference for details of RegExp available in Ruby 2.0.0.

How to create Monolingual file?

See below and the sample files in !Sample_files folder.

Monolingual File Format

Four-Column TAB delimited Text
UTF-8 without BOM is recommended (Encoding is automatically detected by chardet)


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
s or t Expression Option Comment
Column Description
s or t Segment to search. 's' is source, 't' is target segment. Required
Expression Search expression. RegExp supported. Required
Option Conversion option. Required
Comment Comment. Optional

About Option

Available options are combination of followings

Option Description
i ignore case + Auto Conversion
m multiline + Auto Conversion
e extended + Auto Conversion
z No Conversion + No RegExp + Case-Insensitive
Blank No Conversion + No RegExp + Case-Sensitive (= As is)
Prefix #
#<X> Auto Conversion OFF. When you use your own RegExp, add # at the beginning of the option field


t	;	#	全角セミコロン;を使用しない
t	[\p{Katakana}ー]・	#	カタカナ間の中黒を使用しない
t	[0123456789]+	#	全角数字を禁止
s	not	z	否定文?
t	Shared Document	#i	Windows のファイル パスはローカライズする(共有ドキュメント)。
t	[あいうえお]	#	Hiragana left

You can try Ruby RegExp on rubular.
RegExp is based on onigumo, see Ruby 2.0.0 reference for details of RegExp available in Ruby 2.0.0.


Copyright © 2014 Ayumu Hanba (ayumuhamba19<at_mark>
Distributed under the GPL License.


Localization QA tool






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