Ajay Jain, Pieter Abbeel and Deepak Pathak
Code for the UAI 2020 paper "Locally Masked Convolution for Autoregressive Models", implemented with PyTorch. The Locally Masked Convolution layer allows PixelCNN-style autoregressive models to use a custom pixel generation order, rather than a raster scan. Training and evaluation code are available in main.py
. To use locally masked convolutions in your project, see locally_masked_convolution.py
for a memory-efficient implementation that depends only on torch. The layer uses masks that are generated in masking.py
Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.12486
Website: https://ajayjain.github.io/lmconv/
If you find our paper or code relevant to your research, please cite our UAI 2020 paper:
title={Locally Masked Convolution for Autoregressive Models},
author={Ajay Jain and Pieter Abbeel and Deepak Pathak},
booktitle={Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)},
Create a Python 3.7 environment with PyTorch installed following https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/. For example, with Miniconda/Anaconda, you can run:
conda create -n gen_py37 python=3.7
conda activate gen_py37
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
Install other dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE: this installs the CPU-only version of Tensorflow, which is used to load CelebA-HQ data. We use the CPU version to prevent Tensorflow from using GPU memory.
CIFAR10 and MNIST images will be automatically downloaded by the code, but CelebA-HQ needs to be downloaded manually:
mkdir data
cd data
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/glow-demo/data/celeba-tfr.tar
tar -xvzf celeba-tfr.tar
Pretrained model checkpoints are available here.
Evaluate CIFAR10 whole-image likelihoods with 8 S-curve orders (2.887 bpd). Remove the --randomize_order
flag to test with a single order (2.909 bpd):
mkdir runs/cifar_run # for storing logs and images
python main.py -d cifar -b 32 --ours -k 3 --normalization pono --order s_curve --randomize_order -dp 0 --mode test --disable_wandb --run_dir runs/cifar_run --load_params cifar_s8.pth
Evaluate MNIST whole-image likelihoods with 8 S-curve orders (77.56 nats).
mkdir runs/mnist_run # for storing logs and images
python main.py -d mnist -b 32 --ours -k 3 --normalization pono --order s_curve --randomize_order -dp 0 --binarize --mode test --disable_wandb --run_dir runs/mnist_run --load_params binary_mnist_ep159_s8.pth
Evaluate CIFAR10 conditional (inpainting) likelihoods for the top half of image with 2 orders (2.762 bpd). We add flags specifying the hidden region and generation order (guide to --test-mask
python main.py -d cifar -b 32 --ours -k 3 --normalization pono --order s_curve --randomize_order -dp 0 --mode test --disable_wandb --run_dir runs/cifar_run --load_params cifar_s8.pth --test_region custom --test_maxh 16 --test_maxw 32 --test_masks 1 3
Complete top region of CIFAR10 images. We add flag --base_order_reflect_rows
to flip the rows of the scan, generating the top region last:
python main.py -d cifar -b 32 --ours -k 3 --normalization pono --order s_curve -dp 0 --mode sample --disable_wandb --run_dir runs/cifar_run --load_params cifar_s8.pth --sample_region custom --sample_offset1 -16 --sample_offset2 -16 --sample_size_h 12 --sample_size_w 32 --sample_batch_size 48 --base_order_reflect_rows
Complete left half of CelebA-HQ 64x64 images with larger model (320 filters). We add flags --base_order_transpose --base_order_reflect_cols
to traverse the left half of the image last:
mkdir runs/celeba_run
python main.py -d celebahq -b 24 --ours -md 2 -k 3 --normalization pono --order s_curve -dp 0 --mode sample --disable_wandb --run_dir runs/celeba_run --load_params celeba_ep749_s8.pth --sample_region custom --sample_offset1 -32 --sample_offset2 -32 --sample_size_h 64 --sample_size_w 32 --sample_batch_size 24 --base_order_transpose --base_order_reflect_cols --celeba_size 64 --n_bits 5 --nr_filters 320
Sample MNIST digits with hilbert curve order:
python main.py -d mnist --ours -k 3 --normalization pono --order gilbert2d -dp 0 --sample_region full --load_params grayscale_mnist_ep299_hilbert8.pth --mode sample --sample_batch_size 16 --disable_wandb
Train model on CIFAR10 (-t
configures checkpoint save frequency, -ID
allows runs to be numbered):
python main.py -d cifar -b 32 -t 10 --ours -c 2e6 -k 3 --normalization pono --order s_curve --randomize_order -dp 0 --exp_name s_rand_dp0_pono -ID 10000 --test_interval 4
Average checkpoints (optional, helps likelihoods slightly. need to train with -t 1
to save checkpoints every epoch):
python average_checkpoints.py --run_id 10000 --inputs runs/<RUN_DIR> --output averaged.pth --num-epoch-checkpoints <NUM_CHECKPOINTS>
Train larger model on CelebA-HQ 64x64 resolution. You may wish to add --ema 0.999
as an argument to apply EMA to weights:
python main.py -d celebahq -b 32 --ours -c 2e6 -md 2 -k 3 --normalization pono --order s_curve --randomize_order -dp 0 --exp_name s_rand_dp0_pono_5bit_64x64 -ID 20000 --celeba_size 64 --max_celeba_train_batches 500 --max_celeba_test_batches 15 --sample_region full --n_bits 5 --sample_interval 10 --sample_batch_size 8 --nr_filters 320 --test_interval 5 -t 5
This code was originally based on a PyTorch implementation of PixelCNN++ by Lucas Caccia. Jakub Červený authored gilbert2d.py
, which generates a generalization of the Hilbert curve. Checkpoint averaging code, average_checkpoints.py
, is sourced from the fairseq project.