Python Code to Fetch Data from Excel Sheet
Step 1: Installing the openpyxl Module
Kindly download the "openpyxl" module for this code to work. To test whether it is installed correctly, enter the following command into the interactive shell:
import openpyxl
For more simplicity I have coded the python script with ample documentation.Kindly check the code for more details.
Some of the important steps/functionalities that are involved in the project:
1.Import the openpyxl module.
2.Call the openpyxl.load_workbook() function.
3.Get a Workbook object.
4.Call the get_active_sheet() or get_sheet_by_name() workbook method.
5.Get a Worksheet object.
6.Use indexing or the cell() sheet method with row and column keyword arguments.
7.Get a Cell object.
8.Read the Cell object’s value attribute.