Sample Arduino app for automatize Can Car Alarm settings.
It can be controlled from serial port with the following commands:
- Reset Program: "r"
- Reset the Alarm: "i"
- Playback buttons: "p"
- Configure numbers: [Num]
It can be controlled from IR remote controller with the following commands:
- Reset Program: "*"
- Reset the Alarm: "#"
- Playback buttons: "OK"
- Configure numbers: [Num]
- Configure the two car specific numbers (maximum two digits per number)
- Serial commands: "2\n" (first led on) and "12\n" (second led on)
- IR Commands: "02" (first led on) and "12" (second led on)
- Start playback: (Main output blinks the pre codes (8, 7, 6, _, 1) then the confiured car specific numbers (2, 12))
- Serial commands: "p"
- IR Commands: "OK"
- Arduino nano 2
- IR receiver and remote controller
- 3 led (with resistors (200 Ohm to 1k Ohm))
- D3 is a Main Output
- D4 represents a first number (D4 --> Resistor --> LED+ --> GND)
- D5 represents a second number
- D11 is an IR Receiver data pin (+ should be connected to 3v3 and - should be connected to GND pins)
This code uses the IRremote library ( Copy to /Arduino/libraries/IRremote folder (Default IR library should be removed)