Cuda-accelerated Binary Matrix Factorization
CuBin is an algorithm composed for my Bachelor thesis. It factorizes a large Boolean matrix of size mxn into two smaller matrices A and B with dimenstions mxk and kxn, where k is a variable between 1 and 32. It provides competitive decomposition errors paired with high speedups in comparison to single core execution. It is based on a pure random approach: instead of calculating the alternatinv updates done to the factor matrices, random changes are created and tried out. If a better error results, the permutation is accepted, otherwise discarded.
To compile, enter following line:
nvvc -std=c++11 -arch=sm_61
Replace the architecture with the one on your available GPU. If you want to also test it against a parallelized version with openMP (very, very slow), also add "-Xcompiler="-fopenmp" at the end.
Following -D parameters are available:
DIM_PARAM (default 20) - change factor k
THREADSPERBLOCK (default 1024) - for smaller matrices below 1024 in width or length to prevent thread idling
CPU - turn on CPU optimization after GPU
STARTINITIALIZATION {1,2,3} (default 2) - different densities for the initialization of factor matrices
PERF - turns on performance measurement mode: to plot error curves, intermediate results are written into csv file
The algorithm runs without any parameters except for the .data file. Following parameter changes can be done:
./a.out [data file]
[showing error after that many steps]
[lines at once changed in kernels]
[threshold abort condition]
[maximum gpu iterations]
[number of changed each line gets without change before aborting]
[starting temperature for metropolis algorithm]
[iterations until temperature is reduced]
[factor the temperature is lowered]
If you are interested in benchmarks or my bachelor thesis, write an e-mail to: [email protected]