The Agent-based Simulation of ePIdemics at Country Scale (ASPICS) models the spread of an epidemic within any area of England. It is an extension to the national level of an earlier model called DyME (Dynamic Microsimulation for epidemics), with improvements to some elements of the modelling and much faster runtimes. It is currently pre-calibrated to run a simulation of the COVID-19 virus.
We aim for this repository to provide an easy-to-use code base for building similar research, but this is still in progress. File an issue if you're interested in building off this work.
- initialisation produces a snapshot for any study area
- basic simulation with the snapshot
- home-to-work commuting
- Tune model for BMI studies
- calibration / validation
- large-scale events
The history of this project is as follows:
- DyME was originally written in R, then later converted to Python and OpenCL:
- The "ecosystem of digital twins" branch heavily refactored the code to support running in different study areas and added a new seeding and commuting modelling:
- The Python and OpenCL code for running the model was copied into this repository from and further cleaned up
There are many contributors to the project through these different stages; the version control history can be seen on Github in the other repositories.