See demos
use AlecRabbit\Tools\BenchmarkSymfonyProgressBar;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$benchmark = new BenchmarkSymfonyProgressBar(900000);
->addFunction('hrtime', true);
->addFunction('microtime', true);
echo $benchmark->run()->noReturns()->report() . PHP_EOL;
echo $benchmark->stat() . PHP_EOL;
Output will be something like:
1. 150.1ns ( 0.00%) ⟨1⟩ hrtime(boolean)
2. 157.7ns ( 5.07%) ⟨2⟩ microtime(boolean)
Benchmarked: 2
Memory: 0.88MB(0.92MB) Real: 2.00MB(2.00MB)
Done in: 2.0s
For more details see examples
Note: Some examples could be not up to date... WIP
For now this package is suggested to be used in dev process
composer require --dev alecrabbit/php-simple-profiler
or if you wish
composer require alecrabbit/php-simple-profiler
There are moments when you have to choose between two or more different approaches. Benchmark classes is to help you choose which is faster :)
(no default progress bar, silent measurements)BenchmarkSymfonyPB::class
(with Symfony progress bar)
26% [████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░] 1 sec/4 secs
(with star progress bar)
Let's say you want to know which is faster call_user_func($func)
or $func()
. First you need to create an instance of Benchmark class
$b = new BenchmarkSymfonyPB(900000) // with Symfony Progress bar, 900000 measurments
Note: Xdebug extension slowing things down a lot! Disable it (I'm using two different images w/o Xdebug and with Xdebug)
Then you have to add functions to test. But first let's add a closure:
$func = function (array $a) {
return array_sum($a);
Now we are ready to add functions:
$a = [1, 2, 3];
$b->addFunction('call_user_func', $func, $a);
$b->addFunction($func, $a);
And now you can run the benchmarking
Getting results
$report = $b->report(); // you can get report object and use data from it
echo $report . PHP_EOL; // or you can print it by default formatter
echo $b->stat() . PHP_EOL;
Results will be something like that
1. 219.3ns ( 0.00%) $func(array) $func(...$args)
2. 287.4ns ( 31.09%) call_user_func(array) \call_user_func($func, ...$args)
All returns are equal:
Benchmarked: 2
Memory: 0.87MB(0.91MB) Real: 2.00MB(2.00MB)
Done in: 1.1s
Profiler is a kinda wrapper for Counter and Timer in case if you need them both.
$profiler = new Profiler();
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
echo $profiler->report() . PHP_EOL;
// todo
// todo