Static dispatch is a library, inspired by inlined-generic-function, which allows standard Common Lisp generic function dispatch to be performed statically (at compile time) rather than dynamically (at runtime). This is similar to what is known as "overloading" in languages such as C++ and Java.
The purpose of static dispatch is to provide an optimization in cases where the usual dynamic dispatch is too slow, and the dynamic features of generic functions, such as adding/removing methods at runtime are not required. An example of such a case is a generic equality comparison function. Currently generic functions are considered far too slow to implement generic arithmetic and comparison operations when used heavily in numeric code.
Generic functions and their methods are defined as usual, however
package rather than the CL
package. By default, generic functions
are dispatched dynamically, and are identical to standard Common Lisp
generic functions.
A generic function call is statically dispatched when an OPTIMIZE
declaration with a SPEED
level of 3 is in-place, in the environment
of the call.
(locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2)))
(declare (type integer x y))
(foo x y)) ; Call to FOO statically dispatched if type of X and Y known
In order for the applicable method to be chosen at compile-time, the types of the arguments to the generic function call must be known. On SBCL this is dependent on whether the compiler can determine the types of the arguments. On the remaining implementations cl-form-types is used to determine the argument types, and in order for this to be successful, the types of variables and return types of functions have to be declared.
specializers are supported however EQL
methods are
only chosen if the argument is either a constant value EQL
to the
specializer value, or is a variable declared of type (EQL VALUE)
where VALUE
is eql to the specializer value.
If the types of the arguments cannot be determined, no method is chosen and the generic function call form is left as is, which falls back to the standard dynamic dispatch.
NOTE: All standard method combinations are supported as well as
user-defined method combinations, as long as they are defined with
package. If
a generic function uses a method-combination, which is defined using
from the COMMON-LISP
package, then calls
to the generic function will not be statically dispatched, and will be
dynamically dispatched instead.
exports all symbols from the CL
package as well as the symbols in the STATIC-DISPATCH
including the shadowed DEFMETHOD
macros. Use this
package instead of CL
NOTE: Static dispatching is inhibited when an OPTIMIZE
declaration with either a SAFETY
level of 3, is in place.
Static-dispatch also supports replacing a generic function call with a call to an ordinary function that implements the method, rather than inlining the method body.
This is done when there is an OPTIMIZE
declaration with a SPACE
level of 3.
(locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 3)))
(foo 1) ;; FOO statically dispatch and method function called
Alternatively the STATIC-DISPATCH-TYPE
declaration can be used to
configure how a single function is statically dispatched.
is the dispatch type, which can either be one of the following:
- The generic function is always inlined, regardless ofSPACE
optimizations. -
- The generic function call is always replaced with a method function call, regardless ofSPACE
is the list of functions to which this dispatch type applies.
(locally (declare (optimize (speed 3)) (static-dispatch-type function foo bar))
;; The following generic-function calls are replaced with method
;; function calls
(foo 1)
(bar 2))
dispatch type is most useful, when you have
large methods and you want true overloading, as is found in languages
such as Java and C++. The INLINE
type will likely result in faster,
however also larger code.
Static dispatching can be inhibited for a generic function, even when
the speed level is 3
, by declaring that function NOTINLINE
(locally (declare (optimize speed)
(notinline foo))
(declare (type integer x y))
(FOO X Y)) ; FOO not statically dispatched
To inhibit static dispatching entirely for all generic functions, use
, or DEBUG
level of 3
(locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3)))
(declare (type integer x y))
(FOO X Y)) ; FOO not statically dispatched
Static dispatching can also be explicitly disabled with the
declaration, which accepts one argument a
Boolean flag. If the flag is true (T
) static dispatching is disabled
entirely for all generic function calls in the environment of the
declaration regardless of the OPTIMIZE
levels or NOTINLINE
declarations. If the flag is NIL
, static dispatching is reenabled in
the environment, though will still only be performed if the
appropriate OPTIMIZE
declarations are in place.
(locally (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
(declare (static-dispatch-inhibit t)) ; Disable static dispatch in LOCALLY form
(declare (type integer x y))
(FOO X Y)) ; FOO not statically dispatched
levels not only control whether static dispatching is
performed but also have an effect on the code that is inserted in
place of the generic function call expression. Specifically, the
definition of the lexical CALL-NEXT-METHOD
The types of the arguments which may be passed to CALL-NEXT-METHOD
are unknown. By default type checks, using CHECK-TYPE
for the arguments are added. A condition is raised if the types of the
arguments passed to CALL-NEXT-METHOD
are not compatible with the
types in the next applicable method's specializer list.
level of 0 is given, the type checks are omitted and
it is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the arguments
passed to the next method are compatible with the types in the
method's specializer list. When CALL-NEXT-METHOD
is called with no
arguments, which is equivalent to being called with the same arguments
as the current method, the argument types are guaranteed to be
Given a generic function with the following methods:
(defmethod foo ((a number))
(list :number a))
(defmethod foo ((a integer))
(list :integer (call-next-method (1+ a))))
An optimize declaration such as the following will result in type checks being inserted:
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))
(declare (type integer x))
(foo x))
This results in the expression (foo x)
being replaced with something
similar to the following (simplified to remove the case of
being called with no arguments):
((call-next-method (x)
(check-type x number)
(list :number x)))
(list :integer (call-next-method (1+ x))))
If the optimize declaration is changed to (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
, the type checks are omitted which results in the following:
((call-next-method (x)
(list :number x)))
(list :integer (call-next-method (1+ x))))
By default static-dispatch does not add a compiler macro to a generic
function which already has a compiler macro function. To statically
dispatch such functions the STATIC-DISPATCH
function has to be
called manually from the compiler macro.
Determines whether to statically dispatch the call to the generic
function FORM
. If so returns the body of the selected method
otherwise returns FORM
as is.
is the lexical environment of the generic function call.
NOTE: On SBCL this is a no-op since IR1 transforms, using
, specified directly on the argument types, are
used rather than compiler macros.
By default a style-warning is emitted whenever static-dispatch fails
for any reason. Static dispatching can fail if the types of the
arguments cannot be determined, there are no applicable methods, or
due to other error conditions such as encountering a malformed form,
or missing method information due to it not being defined with
controls for which static
dispatch failures, a warning is emitted, for generic function calls in
the environment of the declaration.
Control for which static dispatch failures a warning is emitted.
is the warning level, which currently can be one of the
following symbols:
- Emit a warning for every static dispatch failure.
- Do not emit a warning for any static dispatch failure.
level is set by default when there is no declaration in
NOTE: Any symbol, in any package, with symbol-name equal to
can be used.
(let ((x 1) (y 2))
(declare (optimize speed))
(declare (static-dispatch-warn none)) ; Do not emit any warnings
;; No warnings emitted, for static dispatch failures,
;; in environment of LET form.
;; Generic function add. Static-dispatch will fail on most implementations
;; Since the types of X and Y have not been declared
(add x y))
The semantics of generic functions are changed when statically dispatched.
Statically dispatched generic functions are dispatched based on the declared types of the arguments at compile-time. The declared type may differ from the actual runtime type of the argument, which may result in a different method being called when statically dispatched from when the generic function is dynamically dispatched. An intuitive analogy is that dynamically dispatched generic functions have the semantics of C++ virtual methods whereas statically dispatched functions have the semantics of overloaded functions/methods in C++ and Java.
Consider the following methods:
(defmethod foo ((a number))
(list :number a))
(defmethod foo ((a integer))
(list :integer a))
And consider the following code:
(let ((x 1))
(declare (type number x)
(optimize speed))
(foo x))
Since FOO
is statically dispatched, the method specialized on
will be called, due to the (TYPE NUMBER X)
declaration, and
hence (FOO X)
will evaluate to (:NUMBER 1)
. However since X
actually bound to an integer value, with dynamic dispatch, when the
declaration is removed, the method specialized on
will be called and hence (FOO X)
will evaluate to
It's also possible that a particular implementation may change the
declared type of a variable to a subtype if it can be deduced to be of
that subtype, so in this example the declaration (TYPE NUMBER X)
may be changed to (TYPE INTEGER X)
by the implementation. As a result
it's not even possible to rely on the declaration forcing the method
specialized on NUMBER
to be called. Therefore you should only use
statically dispatched functions for optimization where each method has
the same behaviour just implemented for different types.
NOTE: If the type of an argument cannot be determined, or is
declared T
, the generic function will not be statically dispatched
even if when the appropriate OPTIMIZE
declaration is in place.
Another aspect in which the semantics of generic functions are changed is that when dynamically dispatched the list of methods can be changed at runtime, that is new methods can be added while the program is running and existing methods can be removed. Obviously, static-dispatch cannot predict what methods will be added or removed, therefore adding or removing methods will not have the desired effect on statically dispatched generic function calls.
closer-mop - Required to obtain information about generic-function methods, namely the argument precedence order and class precedence list.
cl-environments - Used to extract declaration information from environments, on any implementation.
cl-form-types - Used to determine the types of the arguments to generic function calls.
Tested on: CCL, SBCL, Clisp, ECL, CMUCL and ABCL.
Tests pass (static dispatch is successful) on: SBCL, CCL, Clisp and ECL.
Tests fail (falls back to dynamic dispatch) on: CMUCL and ABCL.
Whether static-dispatching is successful depends on whether the cl-environments library is able to extract the type information from the environment. Where the CLTL2 API is natively supported (SBCL, CCL, CMUCL, LispWorks and Allegro) the type information can be accessed without any workarounds. On the remaining implementations the type information can be extracted in most cases however workarounds are required for some edge cases, see CL-ENVIRONMENTS: Ensuring Code Walking.
- Static dispatch does not work on ABCL. Code still runs correctly but falls back to dynamic dispatch. This is due to ABCL not passing the lexical environment to compiler-macros. See for more information.
- Removal of
if not used by the method. - Optimization of
, where it is inlined in some cases. - Method return type declarations.
- Enhance generic functions to allow for specialization on all types rather than just classes.