Unbiased random samplers for distance-hereditary and three-leaf power graphs (Paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06037)
- combstruct package
- proba_laws.mpl (standard probability laws - by Carine Pivoteau)
For a parameter 0 < z <= 0.137935, this function randomly samples a (split-tree of a) distance-hereditary graph. This is a Boltzmann sampler for cycle-pointed three-leaf power graphs, hence an unbiased sampler for three-leaf power graphs.
By unbiased, we mean that for a fixed value of z, any two graphs of the same size (size = number of leaves in the split tree = number of vertices in the graph) are equally likely to be drawn.
For a parameter 0 < z <= 0.259845, this function randomly samples a (split-tree of a) three-leaf power graph. This is a Boltzmann sampler for cycle-pointed three-leaf power graphs, hence an unbiased sampler for three-leaf power graphs.
Returns an estimate of the radius of convergence of the formal power series given by poly (see the first two .mpl files for the various power series that are used).
Return the number of leaf, clique, and star nodes (respectively) in the specified split_tree_string.
read "distance_hereditary_sampler.mpl":
>> 0.1379358986434849
>> distance_herediary_sample:=SR(K(SC(SX(SC(Z, Z, SX(Z, SX(K(Z, SX(Z, Z)),
SX(SC(Z, SX(Z, Z, Z)), Z)))), SX(Z, Z)),
SX(SC(SX(Z, Z), Z), Z)), Z), Z, Z)
>> 20
>> 2
>> 14
read "three_leaf_power_sampler.mpl":
>> 0.259845809752822
>> three_leaf_power_sample:=KR(SX(Z, SX(Z, SX(Z, SX(Z, Z, SX(Z, SX(Z, SX(Z,
SX(K(Z, Z, Z, Z), Z), SX(Z, SX(Z, SX(Z, SX(Z,
SX(Z, SX(Z, SX(Z, SX(K(Z, Z, Z, Z), K(Z, Z))), Z),
K(Z, Z)), Z)), SX(Z, Z, Z)))))))), SX(Z, SX(Z, Z),
K(Z, Z, Z))), K(Z, Z)), Z, Z)
>> 43
>> 7
>> 19
The namespaces of distance_hereditary_sampler.mpl and three_leaf_power_sampler.mpl overlap, so one should not read them into the same Maple worksheet.
sampler_tools.mpl is read by each of the first two .mpl files, so it is not necessary to read it as well.
Symbol | Meaning |
Z | A leaf node |
KR | A clique root (can only appear as the root of the tree) |
SR | A star root (can only appear as the root of the tree) |
K | A clique that has been entered from another node |
SX | A star that has been entered from another node at one of its extremities |
SC | A star that has been entered from another node at its center |
e(A, B) | An edge that connects nodes A and B |
A(B1, ..., Bk) | B1, ..., Bk are neighbors of A (if A is SR or SX, then B1 is connected to the center of A) |
Symbol | Meaning |
Z(K(Z, Z)) | A leaf node connected to a clique that has two other leaves as neighbors |
KR(Z, Z, Z) | A clique with three leaves as neighbors (same as previous) |
Z(SC(Z, Z)) | A leaf connected to the center of a star that has two leaves as its extremities |
Z(SX(Z, Z)) | A leaf connected to an extremity of a star that has a leaf as its center and a leaf as its other extremity (same as previous) |
e(SC(Z, Z), SC(Z, Z)) | An edge joining two star nodes at their centers, each of which has two leaves as its extremities |
SR(K(Z, Z), Z, Z, Z) | A star with three leaves as its extremities and whose center is connected to a clique with two other leaves as neighbors |
- networkx
- matplotlib.pyplot
Returns an internal split_tree representation corresponding to the specified distance-hereditary or three-leaf power split_tree_string (typically this string will have been returned by the distance-hereditary or three-leaf power samplers described above).
Returns the graph, expressed as a list of adjacencies over a set {1, ..., n} of vertices, corresponding to the specified internal split_tree representation (typically computed by the previous function).
Draws the specified graph to the screen.
export_graph(graph, file_path)
Exports a drawing of the graph to the specified file_path. An format extension may be provided from the list: bmp, eps, gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz, tif, tiff; otherwise, png is used by default.
from split_tree import *
split_tree = string_to_split_tree("SR(K(SC(Z, SX(K(SC(Z, Z), Z), \
K(Z, Z, Z))), Z), Z, Z)")
graph = split_tree_to_graph(split_tree)
draw_graph(graph) # Draws graph to the screen
export_graph(graph, "drawing.pdf") # Saves drawing of graph in pdf format
export_graph(graph, "drawing.png") # Saves drawing of graph in png format
export_graph(graph, "drawing") # If no format is specified, defaults to png