Learn buidling with Algorand's newest developer tools: 🧰 AlgoKit, 🐍 Python (Puyapy), 💎 TypeScript (TealScript) by completing simple coding challenges and receive a 🎓 certificate of completion NFT to show off your skills 😎
The Algorand Coding Challenge: Fix the Bug! campaign is a fun and beginner-friendly challenge where developers are invited to discover and resolve bugs within a given codebase. Participants will fork and clone the repository, address any bugs or issues, and submit a pull request with their solutions. This hands-on challenge offers an enjoyable way to explore AlgoKit, the comprehensive Algorand developer toolkit, as well as Python(Puyapy) and TypeScript(TEALScript) for writing Algorand smart contracts. Through participating in a series of these challenges, you will gain valuable experience in building on the Algorand blockchain using its industry-leading developer tools! 🧰
Everyone who completes a challenge will receive a 🏆 certificate of completion NFT minted on the goPlausible platform, in recognition of their efforts in learning about building on the Algorand blockchain. This challenge is a learning opportunity and a platform to showcase Algorand expertise with your certificates.
As an added incentive, we are giving out a 🏆 certificate of completion NFT for completing each challenge. Each challenge will have a 14 days timeframe and whoever completes the challenge within the timeframe will receive the certificate of completion NFT!
Timely Completion Requirement: Participants are required to successfully complete challenges within a 14-day timeframe to qualify for consideration and eligibility for the certificate of completion NFT.
Intellectual Property Integrity: All submissions must exclusively represent the individual efforts of the participant. Any indication of duplicating or incorporating elements from other participants' submissions will result in disqualification from receiving the certificate of completion NFT.
Compliance with Submission Guidelines: Submissions are expected to strictly adhere to the instructions outlined in the README of the associated GitHub repository. Failure to comply with the provided instructions will result in disqualification of the submission.
When compiling my Python smart contract, it fails to build. There seems to be 2 issues... 🤔
When compiling my Python smart contract, it fails to build. There seem to be issues around how I am defining my states... 🤔
I want to deposit my Super RARE Oranges NFT into my ASA Vault contract but the contract is failing to opt-in to the asset! What is going on?
The smart contract that keeps track of information about the AI doctor is broken! For some reason the method to record new AI info doesn't work. Humanity is doomed! 😱
Do you want to learn how to use AlgoKit and Algorand SDKs to get your algodev journey? Start here!