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Algorand Wallet Council 2024 08 02

Stéphane edited this page Aug 2, 2024 · 2 revisions

Meeting Notes


  1. ARC-2 Pull Request: ARC data inside a note We need to choose a format to submit ARC information inside transaction notes. Please comment on the PR if you have any preferences; it prevents the next item, ARC-62, from moving forward.
  2. ARC-59 Last Call: ASA Inbox Router: We would like to have feedback from Wallets that implemented this standard way of holding ASA for users that are not opted-in to be sure it can be finalized.
  3. ARC-62 Pull Request: ASA Circulating Supply: For those who did not attend the last meeting, we will just go over this proposal again, which tries to clearly define the number of circulating tokens.


  • ARC-2 We chose to use the following format arc: to send ARC information in transaction's note field: arc<arc-number>:<data-format><data> where <arc-number> is the number of the ARC without padding
  • Wallets confirm the ARC's stability; some issues need to be addressed on the UI, like adding warning screens to prevent errors when sending assets to platforms (CEX/dApps ..).
  • ARC-62 The implementation allows wallets and explorers to easily obtain circulating supply tokens, it will be moved to Last Call.